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WittyPi on Pi Zero W - I2C read / write fail

I've connected WittyPi2 (an RTC Power Management hat) to my Pi Zero W - but I'm constantly getting failures in the log, to do with the I2C communication: I2C read 0x01 0x68 0x09 failed (result=), and ...
Liam's user avatar
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LIRC won't setup the device

Very new to this low-level driver stuff, so many places to make mistakes. Basically I'm trying to get an IR transmitter with lirc. I have a IR led to pin 23 with a transistor, however there's nothing ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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Pigpio not calling Callback for first rising or falling edge

I have some sample code (taken out of my larger program) that regularly (but not always) missing the first rising edge: #!/usr/bin/python import pigpio, time def callback(g, l, t): print("Callback ...
Kevin W's user avatar
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two PIRs problem

i am building a security system which consists of two PIRs (GPIO 17 & 18) relay GPIO 24 , video will be emailed and will receive a text message when motion is detected . the camera can see both ...
Rami's user avatar
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Adafruit PAM8302A -> Raspberry Pi 3

I want to connect Adafruit PAM8302A amplifier to the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. What I need? How to do this?
Minecon724's user avatar
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Setting a mode to a pin requires root permissions

I’m trying to change pin mode on RPI (with Raspbian) – it works when I invoke those commands sudo chown root.gpio /dev/gpiomem sudo chmod g+rw /dev/gpiomem but after every restart I have to execute ...
dnf's user avatar
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Clearing edge detect registers (GPEDS0/GPEDS1) crashes Raspbian Stretch

I've been working on a PHP library for Raspberry Pi for a few years now, and since (not sure specifically which) a version of Raspbian Stretch, the Pi becomes completely unresponsive when clearing the ...
calcinai's user avatar
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Use Raspberry Pi GPIO to sync multiple video players. Possible?

Is it possible to use GPIO to sync multiple RasPi video players? As shown in the picture below, I need to sync 16 RasPi video players. The master RasPi will trigger the video players (start, stop, ...
Chris Simeone's user avatar
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Rpi not reading data from Sense HAT due to missing frame buffer

I'm having trouble getting my RPi 3 to listen to a Sense HAT. The Sense Hat is getting power and the RPI is aware of the Hat. pi@BBLPi1:~ $ ls /dev/i2c* /dev/i2c-1 pi@BBLPi1:~ $ i2cdetect -y 1 ...
Ben Downey's user avatar
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GPIO 1 not waking up the board when shorted to ground

I'm trying to use a single button to put the pi in a halt state and then wake it up. I cannot use GPIO3 since I'm using i2c devices as well. However according to this original post https://www....
shekit's user avatar
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Carberry on Linux Raspbian

I recently bought a new Carberry ( for Raspberry Pi B 2/3, together with its Carbian OS and installed it on a Raspberry Pi3/ModelB. However, It shuts down few ...
A.Chaalane's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I use Garage Door Safety Sensors with Raspberry Pi?

I am trying to use garage door safety sensors as a way of counting cars. From my understanding, if there is no object (car) between the sensors, then they output a 3.3V signal every 6 milliseconds. If ...
Heisenber44's user avatar
3 votes
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GPIO Status during boot

I've been trying to find some documentation on the status of all GPIOs during boot. I have a relay board permanently connected to the GPIOs, and I've noticed that during boot, there is a lot of ...
LecauseAndThePi's user avatar