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Python PIP not working after upgrade

How do I fix this? I was trying to upgrade my Python to 3.10.2 which works fine. However, pip is throwing errors. These are the steps I followed to upgrade: #Downloaded new version and Extracted ...
CornDevil's user avatar
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No module named 'gi'

Recently i have installed Altinstall Python 3.8.0 in /usr/bin. However when i try to from gi.repository import GLib i get: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'gi' I have tried many ways (...
R.M.S.Sundram's user avatar
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using passlib with argon2 gives MissingBackendError

Installed passlib on my Windows 10 pc to study how to store passwords To use passlib with argon2 I installed that argon2-cffi too just as it shows in the passlib documentation Runs fine on my laptop, ...
snappercayt 's user avatar
0 votes
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Can't sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade (won't complete task)

I am having an issues updating my raspbian operating system. After running sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y I receive the following error messages: Hit:1 http://raspbian....
BigBoyProgrammer's user avatar
2 votes
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Error Installing TensorFlow on Rasperry Pi 3 B

I'm following this guide to create an AI chatbot which requires Python 3.6, TensorFlow etc. So I installed Python 3.6.8. To install TensorFlow I tried sudo pip install tensorflow I also downloaded the ...
AnonyoZarif's user avatar
3 votes
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Open a Folder in the File Manager by a Python Script

I would like to open a specific folder (not a file) in the file manager by pushing a button in a Tkinter frame. Does anyone know the function?
Stan Eskin's user avatar
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Can't connect waveshare hat to raspberry pi 3b via python3 to obtain gps

I'm stuck with my waveshare hat and it would be cool if you could help me. I would like to obtain the gps location. I'm a python beginner and tried to use some already written code from this websites:...
Philipp's user avatar
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how to covert pyaudio sample rate 44100 to 16000 sample rate in Raspberry pi3 b+

Here I have provide the code which was working properly before but suddenly its stop working. But if I change the sample rate 16000 to 44100 its working. But i am not able to understand what exactly ...
BUBAI NAYAK's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can i convert a python script into a Raspberry Pi 3 (Raspbian) executable?

I'm designing a GUI for my Raspberry Pi 3 B+. I've written the code in Python3.5 and now I want my script to be run as executable (Raspbian package). Is it possible to do so and if possible any ...
Vikash Sharma's user avatar
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ALSA Errors on Pi 3B+ using SpeechRecognition and PyAudio (Original Post missing stuff)

Using PyAudio I simply ran this piece of code: import pyaudio p = pyaudio.PyAudio() for x in range(p.get_device_count()): print(p.get_device_info_by_index(x).get('name')) Getting these Errors: ...
MountainLifter's user avatar
2 votes
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CE1 not going low for pigpio.spi_open() with flags

I'm attempting to modify joan's test script ( for an RPi SPI master to communicate with an Atmega328P slave. I cannot change which GPIO pins I have ...
Daniel B.'s user avatar
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Detecting device path for USB scanner

I'm currently exploring ways to detect the correct device path (for ex: /dev/input/event0) for an USB scanner. With the following code in Python using the evdev package, I am able to filter down to a ...
fixxxer's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Launch a GUI Tkinter program on boot

I am trying to auto launch a Tkinter/Python program when the Raspberry Pi boots up. Ideally I would like to boot the Pi into the console and then launch a GUI Tkinter Python program. In testing – not ...
dkuzdas's user avatar
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Seeed ADC (ADS1115) with Raspberry Pi 3 B+to read voltage values using python3

I'm using a Seeed 4-Channel 16-Bit ADC (ADS1115) for Raspberry Pi with a Stretch installed Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and successfully configured following below guidelines & GitHub. http://wiki....
Sachz's user avatar
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how to install protobuf in raspberrypi3 b+ stretch?

Anyone can suggest me how to install protobuf in raspberrypi 3 b+. if I directly install using the command pip install protobuf it is install but I am not able to import ?
BUBAI NAYAK's user avatar
2 votes
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Pigpio not calling Callback for first rising or falling edge

I have some sample code (taken out of my larger program) that regularly (but not always) missing the first rising edge: #!/usr/bin/python import pigpio, time def callback(g, l, t): print("Callback ...
Kevin W's user avatar
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raspberrypi3 bluetooth socket problem

I have write program for raspberrypi3 bluetooth communication with hc05 ,but most of the time I am getting error bluetooth.btcommon.BluetoothError: (110, 'Connection timed out') how can I solve ...
BUBAI NAYAK's user avatar
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cron not executing python3

I am running Raspbian Stretch and have a python 3 script that executes correctly when I am in the relevant directory and input it in the command line as: sudo python3 The shebang #! line ...
Dan B Raelin's user avatar
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PiCamera python : buff/cache memory keeps increasing

I need to take a picture in each second in an infinite loop. I've wrote 2 different python scripts: one with camera.capture() and another with camera.capture_continuous() In both cases, I see the ...
jsec83's user avatar
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Crontab suddenly doesn't start jobs

I'm suddenly having crontab issues, I didn't do anything other than change the script names and then change them in crontab as well so they all natch, the scripts work if I start them manually, so i'm ...
Myronaz's user avatar
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SSLError while trying to install pip for python3.4 on Raspbian-Stretch (Armv7l)

The issue is that I have a tensorflow .whl targeted towards python3.4 but by default on raspbian-stretch python3.5 is installed so I installed python3.4 python3.4-dev using apt-get. After that i ...
Sourindu Chatterjee's user avatar
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problem connecting with port serial0 for serial comm

I am facing this issue that I can't solve, I've been on this like 3 days and it is really frustrating! I'm trying to test AT commands through port serial0, I've tried it in a python file and when i ...
Frank Guerra's user avatar
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Python 3 interpreter not recognizing a new installed package(python 3.5.3)

I'm new to this RPI world and also to python although I completed the basic courses I'm still getting used to this so I will appreciate your patience I'll try to express my self the best way. I ...
Carlos Echeverria St's user avatar
6 votes
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Raspberry Pi 3B+ freezes randomly

General setup My RPi is connected to a mouse, keyboard, and monitor. My swap size is set to 1000 MB and I'm not using wifi. Problem The RPi freezes randomly, meaning the GUI is frozen, no SSH ...
Hemanti's user avatar
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2 answers

pip cannot confirm SSL certificate: SSL module is not available

I am trying to install openCv for Python 3.6 on my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, but somehow it won't connect to the website. I have pip installed for 2.7, 3.0, and 3.6 installed, so when I go ...
sudeep banik's user avatar
2 votes
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Difference between Thonny and Python 3 (running some code)

I'm just starting with the pi and to be more clear I'm spending time working with the Raspberry Pi Workshop for Beginners series on Youtube.To write an run code we use the Python 3 IDE but I don't ...
Carlos Echeverria St's user avatar
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Python 3 Debugging Symbols for Raspbian Stretch

I am trying to track down a segfault when using Pip on my Raspberry Pi Model 3B running Raspbian Stretch. I've configured the pi to do a core dump, and I've gotten gdb to load the core. The ...
user9414732's user avatar
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Found a PyPi Package for Opencv-contrib, but can't install using pip

I'm trying to install OpenCV for python with extra modules on my raspberry pi. The OpenCV website has a set of instructions that I have tried with different variations for the past several months. I ...
Falcondance's user avatar
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Problem with matplotlib

I am attempting to run some matplotlib tutorials on my Pi3 running Raspbian Stretch. I have installed matplotlib & numpy using pip3 When trying to run any of the tutorials I get an error ...
Milliways's user avatar
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