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Audio stopped work on Rasbian Lite after reboot

So I know there's a lot of similar posts here, but I've read everything on the first 2 pages of Google and no luck yet. There's only one command that does actually produce audio for me: /opt/vc/src/...
Ethan Coeytaux's user avatar
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Can't see files on external drive

I'm using an external drive for my cloud storage. Everything was working fine and then I installed airsonic. I added the tomcat8 user to the www-data group so that airsonic could see the music ...
alex87's user avatar
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USB devices (Including Internal NIC) got disconnected without a reason

I am using raspberry pi 1 B+ model with two USB devices (wifi dongle/Ethernet ) along with builtin NIC. all the USB devices including builtin NIC getting disconnected from time to time kernel ...
Melan's user avatar
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2 answers

timedatectl set-timezone Access denied

I get error when trying to set time: $ sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York Failed to set time zone: Access denied This is on an almost pristine stretch lite image. I noticed $ ...
Codemeister's user avatar
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Can't login into VNC viewer

I recently setup VNC Viewer both on my Pi (3b+) and my laptop (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS). Using Stretch Lite. Installed lightdm. Using RealVNC. Followed the guide on After I connect to the Pi ...
Tanmay Bhatnagar's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi Green LED Always On

I was not able to find out why this error happens (repeatedly), please help me diagnose it. I have a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, running Raspbian Stretch Lite (2018-11-13). It boots successfully. I can ...
Dániel Stein's user avatar
-1 votes
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Pi reachable from smartphone but not Windows

Today I installed Raspbian Stretch Lite once again on my Pi. After that I connected my Pi to the Internet using a WLAN USB adapter. I can ping, for example, Google but not my PC on my local network....
Simagdo's user avatar
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Cannot connect to PiVPN Server from WAN but can connect through LAN

I setup PiVPN on my Pi3B. I have a Windows computer. I can connect through OpenVPN GUI on Windows to my Pi, because I changed the WAN address of my router in original .ovpn config file that my PiVPN ...
Raymo111's user avatar
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Execute service or script via hotkey

I use Raspbian lite. I'm trying to map a hotkey to start the service or a script. I do not use a graphical user interface, only a text console with a local attached display. I'm not using ssh. I ...
Pasha Geronimo's user avatar
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Ubuntu Server 18.04 on Raspberry Pi 3 B+: Ethernet Networking Errors on Boot

So I've been trying to setup a web server on my Raspberry Pi 3 B+ I'd like to be able to develop on meteor and then upload the app to my Pi over SSH and Meteor Up (MUP). Started with Raspbian Stretch ...
AustinFoss's user avatar
-1 votes
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SSH showing "connection failed" after installing "pip"

Python3, pip3 and python was installed before on my Raspberry Pi. Today I've successfully installed pip using below command: sudo apt-get install python-pip After few hours later I'm not able to ...
Bangladesh 71's user avatar
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My Raspberry Pi is crashed and I'm not able to access it with SSH or SFTP. I need to backup my USB Drive mounted with Raspberry Pi

My device is Raspberry Pi 3B with Raspbian stretch lite OS installed. I was followed this tutorial to mount USB drive with my Raspberry Pi. But today my Raspberry Pi crashed for trying to uninstall ...
Bangladesh 71's user avatar
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Problems connecting to my Raspberry via SSH [closed]

So a little background: I'm a CS student mostly interested in development and software design, but also highly interested in everything Linux and servers. I've wanted my own RPi for a while and ...
F4irline's user avatar
2 votes
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Raspberry not discoverable on local network

I've installed Raspbian Stretch Lite (June 2018) to a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and am trying to connect to it via ssh. Pi and my macbook are directly connected to the same network switch and my wifi is off to ...
Justinas Marozas's user avatar
3 votes
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How to enable huge pages in Raspbian Stretch Lite?

How can I enable huge pages in Raspbian Stretch? I have followed instructions for Debian ( without success (reboot puts my Pi 3 into 'emergency' ...
whit's user avatar
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Edit iptables to open a port the safest and easiest way (nano?)

I have this web application called HaasBot (running on Mono 5) which I want to run on my Raspberry Pi 3 with Raspbian Stretch Lite (Terminal only!) as a server internally in my network only. Using SSH ...
MeebusJaximus's user avatar
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How to correctly (error free) install Mono 5 on Raspberry Pi 3 Raspbian Stretch Lite (latest)

I have an application which needs Mono 5 to start properly, since my current version ( does not work with it. Also seems to be the only version I can get installed. Can ...
MeebusJaximus's user avatar
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Raspbian start certain services after boot to optimize boot time [duplicate]

I set up a Raspbian stretch lite and am about to make it start xserver after boot. Now I am confused about the long boot time! I ran system-analyze blame to check which services take the most time: ...
Marcel H.'s user avatar
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What is the meaning of this errors?

I downloaded the driver for LCD touch display (KeDei 3.5 inch SPI TFTLCD version 3.0 20015/12/1) from Afterward I unpacked it tar -xzvf ...
lpmvnd's user avatar
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Is OpenSSL version 1.1.0f for Raspbian Stretch Lite vulnerable to OpenSSL heartbleed?

I am testing my raspberry pi3 against security tests. I am using the newest Raspbian Stretch Lite. Version: November 2017 Release date: 2017-11-29 Kernel version: 4.9 I looked at http://heartbleed....
Sol's user avatar
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Ignore dead mirrror on stretch lite

apperantly, my upgrade on jesse lite or stretch lite, both get to download something from, which apparently is really dead or at least it not going to 100%! 83% [...
Xao's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

Raspberry Pi Custom SSH/Normal Login Message

I am currently using Raspbian Stretch Lite and would like to know how, if possible, I could make custom login messages. e.g Currently, I get this: Linux RPi 4.9.41-v7+ #1023 SMP Tue Aug 8 16:00:15 ...
Sam Berry's user avatar
1 vote
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Raspbian or Raspbian Lite for Cross Compiling Qt

I try to follow this guide for cross-compiling Qt. The instructions don't specify whether I need to use the Desktop version or whether also the lite version would ...
numberCruncher's user avatar