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Can you switch from connecting the RPi from pifi access point to an actual router access point

So for a robotics project I have in mind I'm trying to create an access point on my rpi so that I can directly ssh into it without using wifi from another router. But the problem is that I'm not sure ...
Mahir Ahmed-Al's user avatar
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Automatically Create Hotspot if no Network is Available

I want to automatically create an access point, if there is no network found, so that I can connect to my Raspberry Pi everywhere. If nobody is connected to the hotspot for a while it should search ...
jake's user avatar
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2 Wifi NIC's that each only connect to one (different from each other) network

The Setup: Raspberry Pi 3 B (Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)) and boots to Command Line (internal Wifi NIC) [wlan0] additional external Wifi NIC [wlan1] What I want to achieve: I Have two different ...
Kili Jenkins's user avatar
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How do I start and stop the on board wireless access point?

I would like to have my wireless access point available at particular periods of the day and not at others. I have a RPi3+ running default Raspbian and followed
s.k's user avatar
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nmcli not detecting any network on R Pi 3 (controlled via SSH Ethernet)

SETUP: I plugged my laptop (Ubuntu 14) to my RPi 3 (Raspbian Stretch) via ssh over an Ethernet cable. PROBLEM: Doing nmcli dev wifi on the laptop gives me a whole bunch of networks. Typing the same ...
hartmut's user avatar
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How do I enable SSH on raspbian stretch (2018-04-18) by default on boot without a monitor

Background: I setup my wireless without a screen by mounting my distribution image(2018-04-18-raspbian-stretch-lite.img) according to the instructions on these links. mounting distribution image ...
A.B.'s user avatar
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Setting up RPi3 access point, hostapd error: Failed to set channel

I'm running Raspbian 9 (strech) on a Pi-3 modem B ver 2. Following guides found online, I have had it working with hostapd as an access point once. But after reboot that stopped working. In the ...
Wei Wang's user avatar