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Questions tagged [touchscreen]

Use this tag for questions about touchscreen compatibility, and how to use compatible touchscreens with the Raspberry Pi.

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3 answers

Dual display with HDMI and touchscreen

I have been tasked with setting up what will essentially be a large screen displaying information, with the pi running it fixed beneath behind a small touch screen where users can input info and ...
AntlerFox's user avatar
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xscreensaver and omxplayer

I'm wondering if there is a way to make this two tools working together. I can make Xscreensaver to run omxplayer with some video when the time for screensaver to hit is on, but then I can't stop it......
VladoPortos's user avatar
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Touch gestures in Raspbian

I just got my official Raspberry Pi 7" Touchscreen running. I opened up midori in fullscreen/kiosk mode and was a bit dissapointed. The browser (or raspbian in general) interprets touch movement (...
Markus's user avatar
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may connect 26 pin touchscreen display to a 40 pin raspberry pi A+?

Recently, i've got as a present a raspberry pi a+ (40 GPIO pins) and touchscreen display for older version (26 GPIO pins) I tried to google, but wherever i search it gives me description of the new A+ ...
Aziz's user avatar
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HP L2105tm Touch Screen WORKS [closed]

What is the best way to get the word out that HP's $300 USD 21.5" touch screen monitor "just works" on a Raspberry Pi? I searched forever before finding one tiny reference on the fifth page of search ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Most compatible/supported I2C based touchscreen to emulate?

Without going into boring details, I need to get a touchscreen input into a Raspberry Pi which will be "faked" by a microcontroller - so the micro is reading some input and translating it to ...
John U's user avatar
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Raspberry pi 4 and Viewsonic monitor with touchscreen

The question is: does monitor "MONITOR VIEWSONIC 21,5" LED LCD TOUCH TD2220 VGA/DVI" support touchscreen on raspberry pi 4? If you have any prior experiences or educated guesses then please help. I ...
Ivan Ž's user avatar
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The best way to connect the 7” touchscreen

I have a pi 3 model B+ and the official raspberry Pi PSU, and the official 7” touch screen. I’m running Raspbian with all the latest updates. I have connected the display using a USB cable as ...
tomh's user avatar
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What to look for in a Large Touchscreen [closed]

I am making a kiosk application and need a large touchscreen monitor for the same. I am looking for large touch screen display(24inch-27inch) which can work with raspberry pi 3 B+ and RPi zero with ...
Priya Garg's user avatar
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Pi 2 won't boot without touchscreen connected

Timeline of events: Installed a stable version of Raspbian, all systems work no real testing with the GPIO but HDMI and SSH work. Tested various GPIO pins for running fans and several pieces of ...
Bored915's user avatar
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where to buy the raspberry pi 7" touchscreen display board separately? [closed]

My raspberry pi 7" touchscreen display board black plastic connector (BROWN CONNECTION ABOVE RPI DISPLAY LETTERING) that holds the ribbon to the raspberry pi broke and I am looking for a replacement ...
Dave W Shanahan's user avatar
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Can the GPIO pins be used to compromise a raspberry pi?

For example, would a touchscreen device that uses the below pins on a Raspberry Pi 3 be able to do something more than say, send touch and keyboard events? Anything hackish/nefarious? (edit: use case: ...
hypothesisstack's user avatar
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What to look for in a touchscreen for RPi?

I would like to build a project on RPi with touchscreen, and wonder what to look for beyond the official (rather expensive) ones. How can I tell whether a screen will work or not? What kind of ...
Daniel Vítek's user avatar
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minecraft-pi is not working

I use VNC viewer to connect my Pi 3, laptop and Kuman 7" touchscreen, because I cannot get access to a keyboard or mouse. When I open minecraft-pi it shows just a black screen on my laptop, but it ...
S.L's user avatar
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Low Power when 7" touchscreen display connected

I recently won a raspberry pi, and decided to buy the Elecrow 7" touch and the 9 layer case for my raspberry pi. The case works great, and the fan runs without problems off of the 5v+ground GPIO pins. ...
Minebomber's user avatar
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secure a raspberry pi so it can only run one application

Given that only a touch screen is accessible, how can I lock down a raspberry pi so that only one application (a calculator program) will run?
John Shearing's user avatar
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Waveshare 4inch LCD drivers, error after installation: PANIC: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on unknown-block(179,2)

Problem I am attempting to install the drivers for this Waveshare 4inch LCD (A) touchscreen; however, after I have installed the drivers and reboot I receive the error (displayed in the HDMI monitor, ...
Deleuze's user avatar
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Touch screen with Raspberry Pi

I have a 240x320 2.8" touchscreen, with "driver IC: ILI9341". It seems to use a SPI interface. How to connect it to the Pi (which pins to which pins of the GPIO?) and how to use it, e.g. from Python ...
Basj's user avatar
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Use nc pins of 5 inch HDMI touchscreen

I recently bought 5 inch HDMI touchscreen (see link below) . It Places on top of the RPi gpio and consume a lot of them !! But unfortunatly 12 pins (like USART and I2C) are nc !! (see link below) ...
newone's user avatar
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setting up RPI TFT, GPIO and touchscreen questions

I'm thinking of buying a Raspberry Pi TFT such as this one. I would look into an official adafruit one, but I don't fancy paying £35 for a 2.8" screen... a few questions though.. Is it compatible ...
Calum Reid's user avatar
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5 answers

Dual touch screens , one for input and a second for output

I am working on a project where I will need to use two displays. One small touch screen display for easy user input and one HDMI display for video output. So pretty much the user would select an ...
Mosfetdaha's user avatar
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Pointer moving randomly [Touchscreen TFT]

My 320x240 2.8" PiTFT (#1601) reached me yesterday. I install Jessie-based PiTFT 2.4" and 2.8" Resistive Image for Pi 1 and Pi 2 (September 24, 2015) image to my sdcard. At first everything seems ...
yozel's user avatar
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No picture on new RPi Official display

Just received my new Raspberry Pi official touch display today. Very nice hardware, can't wait to use it. However, I have hooked it up according to the instructions on both MCM and ...
hatrickwah's user avatar
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Any code for testing touchscreen controller STMPE610 on RPi?

I'm now trying to connect my Adafruit_STMPE610 resistive touchscreen controller to Raspberry Pi. I have done all the wiring work, but I only find an Arduino code for the touch test. Is there any ...
user3124's user avatar
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Samsung touchscreen lms430hf12-003 - can this be used with the raspberry pi ?

Ok so I am trying to find a solution for a LCD for my PI and I had this old Garmin sitting around and so I thought I would see if I can use the display for PI, I am sure that it can work, but I just ...
Grezer34's user avatar
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Touch screen stuck at black screen with blinking cursor unless HDMI plugged in

My touchscreen that I've attached directly to the Pi shows a black screen with a blinking cursor on boot up. However, if I attach a mini-HDMI to DVI cable to the Pi while it is off and then boot it on,...
Gobbernaught's user avatar
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Raspberry pi and nextion touch screen communication using python

I have tested several python codes to set up the communication between raspberry pi and nextion touch screen (I used TTL serial GPIO 14 and 15). Unfortunately, the communication is not stable, the ...
mustapha_1234's user avatar
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Pi 4, Hifiberry, and touchscreen power

I recently finished my basement and am in the process of getting it all configured, and one thing I wanted was to build a Raspberry Pi streaming device. I got a 3D printer for Christmas and found this ...
Mosher13's user avatar
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7" touchscreen fades weirdly in the middle of booting on old Model B

I have an old model B I'm trying to connect to a 7" touchscreen. I put a brand new raspian lite image on an SD card, then followed this guide to get everything working (almost). It starts by ...
molasses's user avatar
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FM Receiver with raspberry pi

I was wondering if there was any way to make a software-only radio that will use all the components included in a raspberry pi 3B+. I've been doing some research and all of the FM models that I found ...
Brand0n_'s user avatar
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Official Raspberry Pi 7" Touchscreen Display not working

I have bought an "Official Raspberry Pi 7" Touchscreen Display" and a raspberry pi, i have flashed the sd card with Kali Linux, but when i turn the pi on, there is nothing, but a white ...
Alexandermss's user avatar
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How to physically turn the a Raspberry Touch display on and off?

I use a Raspberry Pi Touch Display that I connect like shown in the following picture to my Raspberry. The black and red wires are connected to thee GND and 5v pins respectively. Now I want to ...
SCM's user avatar
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Real touch inputs

I'm developing a touch first website which I plan to display on a raspberry pi using a touchscreen. When I tested the website on the pi (raspberry pi os) using a waveshare touchscreen, the website ...
Limeray's user avatar
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Running Pi4 and touchscreen off battery

I am building a portable RPI 4 and touchscreen and am hoping to be able to run it off a battery or external power, through one external port (ie, on outside of enclosure, one microusb port shows) ...
Realleok's user avatar
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How to use an lcd panel as keyboard?

I'm quite new to raspberry pi and custom Projects but I'd like to use an lcd touch panel like this ( as a keyboard for my raspberry pi 3 model b. I saw this in this video: ...
Nick's user avatar
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Pi4B: touch LCD+HDMI monitor, touch area issues

I have a Pi4B with a fresh install of Raspbian. I have a 4" touch LCD on HDMI0, and a 13" non-touch portable monitor on HDMI1, and I configured the workspaces so they don't overlap. I enabled touch ...
rastafunion's user avatar
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RPI hid_multitouch invert XY

I'm trying to make a usb touchscreen working or a rpi4 with 2020-02-13-raspbian-buster but I'm stuck on a new known problem I think but I would appreciate any help to find a solution. My problem is ...
Slayerman's user avatar
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Mirroring output to element 14 7" touchscreen and hdmi

I would like to have the touchscreen and hdmi displays mirrored but I can't find any info or setting to mirror. Running Raspbian Buster and using an element 14 7" touchscreen. Edit: I got mirroring ...
pizzapi's user avatar
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Issues running Kivy and Flask together on Raspberry Pi 2 with touchscreen

Setup Kivy 1.11.1 Flask 1.1.1 Python 2.7.13 Issue I have an issue running together a Kivy app and Flask as thread on a RPi2 with a touchscreen. It is similar to the issue mentioned in this post ...
parovelb's user avatar
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How do I enable multi-touch on a UPERFECT 1024 x 600 7inch touchscreen

Running Raspbian on a Pi3B. Connected by HDMI and USB, the touch feature works, but only as if with a left click on a mouse. No mulitouch or long hold = right click. Device is specified as a 5-point ...
Lance Kneeshaw's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 4 Installed screen drivers but disabled my hdmi

I bought a touchscreen and installed the drivers for it, but now my hdmi doesn't work. I am currently running Raspbian on Raspberry Pi 4 model B.And I have a 3.5 inch tft screen.I do not no what ...
Julian's user avatar
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Waveshare 4.3inch HDMI LCD shows blank white screen

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 model B running the latest version of Rasbian Stretch. Yesterday I've received my Waveshare 4,3 inch display. First thing I did was build it in my project, due to save height ...
Robin466's user avatar
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Rotate Elegoo 3.5" touchscreen to portrait

I purchased a touchscreen from Elegoo (this one, to be precise for my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B running the latest ...
herronjo's user avatar
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Possible to Power RPi 3 & Touchscreen with Old Intercom Wires?

So this question could be a dumb one, as I have little to no experience with electricity. Anyways, here it is: My current project is using the RPi Official Touchscreen (7 inches), along with a RPi3 ...
Chris's user avatar
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Kuman 7 inch LCD screen not working

I'm new to all things pi and just got a Kuman 7" 800 480 LCD screen. I tested it on my laptop first (windows 8.1) and it looked great. Plugging it into the pi, not so great. The colours are all off, ...
Oliver Burdekin's user avatar
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Berryboot recovering data

I was trying to setup the 7 inch touch screen with my raspberry pi. And admittedly, did one blunder after another :( The information on the internet rare on setting this touchscreen up. So once I get ...
Mohsin Anees's user avatar
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Turn off LCD touch screen on Windows 10 IoT Core

I am using 7" touch screen on my RaspberryPi 3 Model B v1.2. My device is running Windows 10 IoT Core and I've designed the kit to run an application I am developing as a UWP application with ...
Selim Balci's user avatar
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Monitor output is always my touchscreen, not my computer monitor

So, I got a Raspberry 3 model B and connected it with a keyboard, a mouse, and a touchscreen. When I connect an HDMI-DVI converter to my Planar monitor, it's fine at the beginning of turning on the ...
Tian Xie's user avatar
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Touchscreen only works on a modified OS

I bought a touchscreen for my Pi 3. But- you don't get drivers instead you get a link for an OS that is already configured. 2 problems: I Can't use the other OS that seller already pre-configured (...
guyd's user avatar
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Touch Screen Calibration - selected device is not a touchscreen I understand

I'm trying to calibrate my iiyama touch screen on my new raspberry pi 3. I installed LIBTS for this : sudo su aptitude install libts-bin Then I have to export two variables LIBTS_FBDEVICEand ...
Vincent Wasteels's user avatar

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