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-1 votes
1 answer

Raspberry Pi 3B cannot connect to wifi

I was trying to connect to wifi from my RPI3 running Ubuntu 22 server. This is my conf file /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf Ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev ...
Himanshuman's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

MATE desktop doesn't work correctly

So, I decided to install the KDE Plasma desktop and see how it would go. I installed it (all dependencies took up 1.3GB of storage) and tried it out, and didn't like it too much. It takes about ~100MB ...
Achak Claw's user avatar
0 votes
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Deconfigured locales for libc6 - help!

So, I was trying to install firefox 81 on Ubuntu MATE 20.04. When I was trying to, it was saying libc6 needed 2.32 but I had 2.31 installed. So I decided to look up where 2.32 was an attempt to ...
Achak Claw's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Expanding boot partition for Ubuntu MATE [closed]

How do I expand the /boot_ub (Ubuntu MATE) partition? I want to upgrade to 20.04 to get some support for MATE but I can't upgrade because the partition is almost full. I tried to remove old kernel ...
Achak Claw's user avatar
0 votes
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Disable HDMI port on Ubuntu 18.04

I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 on an RPI 3 B+, and I would like to disable HDMI to conserve power. tvservice seems to be missing, is there any way to do this if I'm not running raspbian?
Qwerty's user avatar
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screen and serial UART connection gibberish

I'm connecting my iMac (10.14.16) to my RPi 3b+ (Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS ubuntu ttyS0, uname -a = Linux ubuntu 4.15.0-1067-raspi2 #71-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT Fri Jul 10 01:36:10 UTC 2020 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 ...
grad student's user avatar
0 votes
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Cannot install libmozjs185 on rpi 3 running Ubuntu Mate

I am looking forward to install CouchDB on my rpi 3, running Ubuntu 20.04. However, I can not figure out how to install one of its required dependencies: libmozjs185. I have tried: $ sudo apt-get ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
0 votes
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Trouble setting up SSH via ethernet

As the title suggests im trying to set up SSH access to my pi 3 B+ and running into a few issues. pc running Ubuntu 19.10 is plugged into RPi however no connection is being made, thus i cant set up ...
James Milligan's user avatar
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0 answers

Rainbow screen issue with raspberry pi 3 model b+

I am using Raspberry pi 3 Model B+ and using Ubuntu Mate operating system not Raspbian Os I am also using raspberry pi 3 supportable original charger of 5.1V 2.5A. still i am facing the same rainbow ...
Mehta's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

When I make a clone of my SD, the resulting image has ethernet problems

First of all, I'm working with Ubuntu Server 18.04, on a Raspberry Pi 3b+. I'm running a server with Nodejs and MongoDB. Everything works perfect. The problem comes when I want to clone the SD into ...
Fernando Hernandez Ruiz's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

CompoundPI unidentified server problem

I am trying to use CompoundPI ( with two RPIs and an ubuntu client. CompoundPI connects multiple RPIs, that each of them has a picamera,...
Essam Gouda's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can you switch from connecting the RPi from pifi access point to an actual router access point

So for a robotics project I have in mind I'm trying to create an access point on my rpi so that I can directly ssh into it without using wifi from another router. But the problem is that I'm not sure ...
Mahir Ahmed-Al's user avatar
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bluetoothctl hangs with "connect to bluetoothd"

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 and I have been playing with the bluetooth functionality. It worked for a while: I successfully paired a Windows machine with my Pi, but now it does not work anymore. I used ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
2 votes
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DNSMasq unknown interface wifi0 - failed to start

Introduction I am trying to use my Ubuntu Core-RaspberryPi as a Wifi Access point. Therefore, I am using hostapd and dnsmasq. I followed this tutorial in order to setup everything. I start them ...
linus_hologram's user avatar
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Unable to install Mongo-DB on Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu Core 18.04

I am trying to install mongoDB on my Raspberry Pi 3b+, which has an ARM 4-Core 64 bit processor. I was trying to install MongoDB on my Pi just as mentioned in their documentation but unfortunately I ...
linus_hologram's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to set up wifi with ubuntu 18.04.2?

I'm trying to use ubuntu OS on my raspberry pi 3 B+. I have formatted my microSD card to FAT32 and copied the ubuntu-18.04.2-preinstalled-server-arm64+raspi3.img. I am able to have the OS working. ...
Kid_Learning_C's user avatar
0 votes
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Connected to the internet but unable to ping

I have a Raspberry Pi 3b+ with a Huawei E3372 LTE USB Stick. I use a mobile simcard in this USB stick to provide it with a internet connection. The problem now is that I can't even ping the IP ...
Sander bakker's user avatar
1 vote
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Ubuntu Mate compatibility

A Raspberry Pi3 B+ was outfitted with: ubuntu-mate-18.04.2-beta1-desktop-armhf+raspi-ext4.img which indicates that the B+ is the recommended hardware. That being said, at bootup, the rainbow screen (...
gatorback's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

How to setup the Raspberry Pi 3 onboard WiFi for Ubuntu Server 18.04 with netplan?

How to setup of Raspberry Pi 3 B+ onboard WiFi for Ubuntu Server 18.04? In particular, with netplan? This is a clean install of the Ubuntu Server 18.04 image for Raspberry Pi 3. File: ubuntu-18.04.2-...
marc-medley's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

PoE hat fan activation on OS other than Raspbian

I'm aware that the only officially supported OS that the PoE hat works on is Raspbian. I can confirm that both my hats work, and that the fan does switch on and off if I have Raspbian installed on the ...
Larnu's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Why is WiringiPi unable to find hardware revision?

I installed Ubuntu 18.04 on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ and WiringPi following the instructions presented here. The problem is that when calling the GPIO utility, I get the following error: It seems that the ...
Cristian M's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Rainbow Screen and Lighting Bolt while booting Ubuntu Mate on RPi3 B+ [duplicate]

I have installed the Ubuntu Mate Image for the Raspberry Pi that I found here - During the boot process the only thing that appears on screen is the rainbow ...
inxoy's user avatar
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1 answer

Wifi Not Working with Ubuntu MATE 16.04 and Pi 3b+

I was able to get Ubuntu MATE to finally run on my Pi 3B+ after following this tutorial:
PikachuIsCute's user avatar
0 votes
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Ubuntu Server 18.04 on Raspberry Pi 3 B+: Ethernet Networking Errors on Boot

So I've been trying to setup a web server on my Raspberry Pi 3 B+ I'd like to be able to develop on meteor and then upload the app to my Pi over SSH and Meteor Up (MUP). Started with Raspbian Stretch ...
AustinFoss's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Raspberry Pi 3B+, installing Ubuntu Server (64bit)- problems

TL;DR: (Scroll down to bottom two questions) I have found dozens of "solutions" on the Raspberry Pi 3B which have worked for people and not with my 3B+. I suspect that there is a very specific ...
theComputerProgrammer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can I modify an RPi2 image to boot on an RPi3 B+?

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 B+, and none of the operating systems that usually work on the RPi 3 will boot. I've done a small bit of research, and I think this has something to do with an outdated ...
Curtice Gough's user avatar
1 vote
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How to upgrade other major OS to work on 3 B+

Scenario I am yet another victim of thinking my rpi 3 B+ was broken when it wouldn't boot up. It turns out that the 3 B+ is looking for some special boot instructions. I currently have: Ubuntu Mate 16....
Jacksonkr's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu Mate 16.04 on Raspberry Pi 3 B+

I would like to get Ubuntu Mate 16.04 on the Raspberry Pi 3 B+. According to this thread this should be possible. Here is the summary on how they achieved it: Copy the following files from Raspbian ...
evolved's user avatar
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1 answer

pi-3b+ ubuntu-core boot problem [duplicate]

i've a pi-3b+ it boots raspbian but does not boot ubuntu-core. When i write ubuntu-core image for pi-3 stable from here the red led lights only. When i write ubuntu-core image for pi-3 edge from here ...
sddk's user avatar
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