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3 answers

Failure when trying to run MongoDB on Raspberry Pi 3 B & Ubuntu 23.04

I am trying to install & run MongoDB on my Raspberry Pi 3 B running Ubuntu. After installing and trying to start it, I get this status: srv_user@raspserver:~$ sudo systemctl start mongod srv_user@...
cryseascr's user avatar
1 vote
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SD card slow on raspberry pi 3b, identical card is fast on nanopi r4s [closed]

I have a Raspberry Pi 3B and a NanoPi r4s. I bought identical SD cards for them -- high endurance cards by Gigastone. The rpi is running Ubuntu Server 22.10 and the nanopi is running Armbian 22.11.1....
elyograg's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

UART usage with Ubuntu PI3 Model B

Can someone tell me the steps what I need to do tu get a serial communication to work? I have a raspberry pi 3 model b rev 1.1 with Ubuntu Server 20.04. I need to communicate with a sensor via serial ...
praetorianer777's user avatar
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3 answers

Additional i2c_gpio is not detected on Ubuntu Server 20.04 / RPi Zero 2 W / A+

I'm trying to enable the second (GPIO-based i2c) on RPi Zero 2 W, Ubuntu server 20.04 to connect the following sensor. Note that the primary i2c pins are physically occupied as RPi is used as a hat ...
Serhii Korol's user avatar
1 vote
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Tensorflow on Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu 20.04

I've installed Ubuntu 20.04 on a Raspberry Pi. Both my Ubuntu and Python3 installations are 64-bit. I'm now trying to install Tensorflow so that I can run (not train) a model. I've tried various blog-...
pookie's user avatar
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1 answer

Installing Ubuntu MATE

So, before I install Ubuntu MATE, I have files on my microSD card from my other Pi (that broke) and I am wondering if I can boot another Pi (a school-owned one) to transfer the files. Can I boot the ...
Achak Claw's user avatar
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1 answer

NetworkManager on Ubuntu Mate keeps asking the password

We recently changed the router and set up the devices and everything worked fine. Except there is my raspberry pi 3 which cannot connect to the new router. It doesn’t show any errors but it simply ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
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How to install MongoDB on Ubuntu Mate 20.04 running on pi 3?

I have an instance of Ubuntu Mate 20.04 running on my Raspberry Pi 3 and I am wondering if it is possible to install MongoDB 4.2 without compiling it. I am not sure where I can get the builds from. ...
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Problem with Raspberry Pi 3 model B Ubuntu-Mate Error "Temporary Failure resolving ""

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. I have downloaded and installed ubuntu-mate-18.04.2-beta1-desktop-armhf+raspi-ext4.img. When I try to sudo apt-get update I get the error Temporary Failure resolving '...
thiirane's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Error while compiling programs - Ubuntu Mate

I do compile few programs with no error at Raspbian OS but Today I want to try same programs on Ubuntu Mate. I keep getting same error. Code is git clone -b r606
ellooku's user avatar
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1 answer

WiFi Connectivity Issue

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 (Model B). I want to use it as a terminal to operate a CNC machine as it has a Web Interface (Duet WiFi). I just need something with a browser and internet connection. I first ...
Marcal's user avatar
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2 answers

How do you install software directly into a SD image?

So I'm using this SD Card image for my raspberry pi downloaded from Ubiquity Robotics. It has ROS preinstalled and runs Ubuntu OS. The problem is I'm missing a few dependencies missing and because of ...
Mahir Ahmed-Al's user avatar
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capturing video stream using piCam

i'm trying to capture the video stream using piCam. but i get this warning and the execution stops this the code: this the code I used: import numpy as np import cv2 cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) cap....
Ura's user avatar
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Ubuntu MATE Pi not connecting to monitor?

I just flashed a MicroSD card with Ubuntu MATE. I booted up my Pi 3 Model B with it and the monitor is just showing a black screen. The monitor looks like it is connected to the Pi, because it is on ...
Joelvanf's user avatar
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How can I use the free version of Qt to create a GUI for the Raspberry Pi?

I am working on a project that requires high-medium quality GUI. I am thinking of cross compiling from Windows to Raspberry Pi or from Ubuntu to Raspberry Pi. Also, I do not know which one of those ...
andrexstack's user avatar
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0 answers

Will 'release-upgrade' to 18.04.1 LTS Server on Raspberry Pi 3B provide a 64bit Kernel

I have Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS Server (for armvhf) installed on my Raspberry Pi 3B (ARMv8), which runs a 32bit kernel. I would like to install a 64bit kernel and associated modules with minimal fuss as I ...
gone's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Setting up time on Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu LTS 18.04

It seems I am unable to set up permanent time on my Raspberry Pi 3 with Ubuntu LTS. I tried: sudo timedatectl set-ntp 0 sudo timedatectl set-time "2018-09-17 18:17:16" sudo timedatectl set-timezone ...
Wojciech Szabowicz's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Which OS to select when writing to SD Card using PiBakery from Ubuntu

I installed an image of Raspbian on my SD Card from here here After that I built and installed PiBakery for Ubuntu as described here. I followed PiBakery Documentation to create a setup Now after ...
Anatolii's user avatar
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1 answer

ubuntu 16.04 install raspberry pi3 B [duplicate]

Can I install Ubuntu 16.04 on Raspberry Pi 3 model B instead of Ubuntu mate? If you have more information please let me know !
user830486's user avatar
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What is the difference between Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and Ubuntu MATE? Can I install Ubuntu 16.04 on a Pi? [closed]

What is the difference, and can I install the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on a Pi 3 Model B?
Akshay's user avatar
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Better mouse controls with touch screen?

I'm using the raspberry pi official 7" touch screen (The one supplied with this I don't know which model that is) and a raspberry pi 3 model B. I've noticed two major problems, ...
Daffy's user avatar
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Raspberry pi 3 uart not working

I've done almost any tutorail I found in the internet, but I cant get successful communication with uart in RPI3 Ubuntu Mate. I've added enable_uart=1 and dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt and core_freq=250 ...
Muhamad Jafarnejad's user avatar
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PI3 Ubuntu Server 16.04.03 - UART issue

I'm trying to setup UART, for a final year project at university, on the PI3, I need to switch ttyAMA0 to the GPIO pins in place of ttyS0. I have tried adding the device tree overlays 'pi3-disable-bt' ...
Will's user avatar
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2 answers

Connect to Raspberry Pi 3 without ethernet and keyboard

I have a Raspberry Pi 3 without any monitor, keyboard or even LAN cable. I only have a laptop with Ubuntu. Can I connect to Raspberry Pi 3 via wifi+SSH without ethernet? I do not know the IP of ...
ar2015's user avatar
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Log in problem with ubuntu

My raspberry pi won't connect to putty unless I connected it to the HDMI cable, keyboard and mouse, press "log in" that appears on the screen then I'm able to to run the Pi from computer. I'm running ...
SH ShaHad's user avatar
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1 answer

Turn LED on/off with c++ [closed]

I'm trying to write a C++ code to switch LED on when the pi receives input "1" from the user and off when it receives "2". can any one help me with such code??
SH ShaHad's user avatar
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Connect raspberry pi3 to Ubuntu via SSH command ~ Permission denied [duplicate]

i have been struggling for over 2 weeks to connect my Raspberry PI 3 to Ubuntu , i tried a bench of solutions that i found online (Via Putty or VNC viewer ... ) finally i think that i make it happend ...
Riadh Saïd's user avatar
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2 answers

How to enable SSH in Ubuntu Mate manually

I'm in a pinch. I'm trying to do a headless set up with a Raspberry Pi 3 running Ubuntu Mate because I do not have a hdmi screen close by. I was wondering, can anybody provide me with a link to a ...
Mozzy's user avatar
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1 answer

monitor no hdmi signal

I've installed ubuntu classic server 16.04 (Rasberry Pi 3 edition) found here on Rasbperry Pi 3 b and everything is working as expected when I ssh into it....
Mikey's user avatar
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2 answers

Installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 'classic', no .config directory for users

I've installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 'classic' on my Pi 3, and am using the CLI which is a struggle but bearable. I've created a user, and subsequent instructions involve configuring a startup daemon in ...
stefanc's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to run Roblox on a Raspberry Pi 3?

The title says it all. I know it's an ARM system, but I just want to know if I can run it. Board: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B V1.2 OS: Ubuntu Mate
WoaItsBren's user avatar
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Script called in crontab every hour keeps sending emails at pi@raspberrypi

I'm on ubuntu mate 16.04.3 LTS, I'm trying to send an email every hour (with crontab) with the IP of my Pi 3 and other details. This is my script: #!/bin/bash file="/home/pi/Desktop/myIP.txt" nowip=$...
Eric Solinas's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Disable filesystem expand during boot for Ubuntu Server 16.04

I am attempting to get a sub-4gb image to retain its image size on my rpi regardless of the sdcard size. I am looking at using the ubuntu server image built by Ryan Finnie ubuntu-16.04-preinstalled-...
sith's user avatar
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Ubuntu core 16 fstab new entry lost upon reboot on raspberry pi 3

I installed Ubuntu core 16 image on Raspberry pi 3. When I added new entry in /etc/fstab to mount windows share upon reboot, that entry is lost. I looked at df -h output as shown below and it appears /...
user127290's user avatar
35 votes
8 answers

I failed to remote connect to Raspberry Pi 3 from Ubuntu

I just bought raspberry pi 3 with Rapbian Jessi with Pixel and I have a Lenovo laptop with Ubuntu 14.04 64 bit on it. I want to remote connect to it from my laptop. I enabled the VNC server on ...
aibrahim's user avatar
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2 answers

Ubuntu server 16.04.1 ubuntu/ubuntu login incorrect

I downloaded the ubuntu 16.04.1 server via berryboot on a raspberry pi 3 and booted it up. The default login is ubuntu/ubuntu but whenever I try this I get "Incorrect login". Any help?
FreeLine's user avatar
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4 answers

Wifi not connecting on Raspberry Pi 3 with Ubuntu Mate 16.04

I have tried using the on-board Wi-Fi as well as a USB Wi-Fi adapter on my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. I am using Ubuntu Mate 16.04. After putting in the Wi-Fi password, I see the Wi-Fi showing up as ...
Ash 's user avatar
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Saving files on External HD on Pi 3 from Ubuntu

I have a Pi 3 running Raspbian with an external HD at /mnt. It is connected via ethernet. I would like to regularly be able to save files to that directory from another computer on my Wifi network ...
SteveC's user avatar
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Bootup Problem Ubuntu Core

I have two raspberry pi 3's that boot perfectly with raspian, but don't boot with ubuntu snappy core. Here's what I did: $ wget
Volker Weißmann's user avatar
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Auto login to CLI in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

I've installed Ubuntu 16.04 on a RPi 3. I've disabled the GUI and want to operate in CLI only but would like to have it auto login at startup. I've read:
Todd's user avatar
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6 answers

Ubuntu Core Image - Unable to SSH into Raspberry Pi 3

I created install Ubuntu Core on a Raspberry Pi 3. I followed the instructions here: I made it all the way to a screen that says what ...
nu everest's user avatar
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Installing Wine on Raspberry Pi running PiNet

I am setting up a small network of Pi 3 thin-clients running PiNet. It is my understanding that PiNet works in much the same way that LTSP does, in that the boot image on the SD card causes the Pi to ...
Mike's user avatar
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Does Raspberry Pi 3 supports ubuntu 14.04?

I want to install ROS Indigo only, which supports only Ubuntu 14.04, and I have Raspberry Pi 3 kit. Does Raspberry Pi 3 support Ubuntu 14.04?
M Arjun's user avatar
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How to install Nextcloud on Ubuntu 16.04 using snap?

So I've installed snapd on Raspberry Pi 3 with fresh Ubuntu 16.04 installed on it. After doing : $ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade And rebooting i've installed snapd using $ sudo apt ...
devaerial's user avatar
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Accessing Raspberry PI from Ubuntu laptop

I have bought raspberry pi 3 model b and want to access it from my laptop i have tried to connect pi to laptop using ethernet cable and my laptop is already connected to internet using my wifi but i ...
kailash yogeshwar's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 3 Ubuntu 16.04 Server upgrade error

So last week I bought the Raspberry Pi 3 model B with the complete Canakit. I installed Ubuntu 16.04 server standard image on the micro sd card with my Windows computer. I used SF Formatter to ...
François Noël's user avatar
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Reverting Display Brightness Changes

I have Ubuntu Mate installed on RPi3 with official 7" screen. I was changing screen brightness through Mate's GUI where I dragged the bar too much towards the dark side... Resulting BLACK LCD!!! How ...
HelpNeeder's user avatar
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Will RPI3 power down an external USB hard disk if not used for a certain amount of time?

Supposing I am more interested in power consumption than the lifespan of the HDD, does Raspberry Pi 3 power down automatically an external USB hard disk? If it doesn't do it automatically by default, ...
Andrei Rînea's user avatar
2 votes
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Ethernet over USB for Raspberry Pi 3

I am new to Raspberry Pi. My goal is to connect Raspberry Pi 3 over USB to the host Linux computer. I know that Pi Zero is capable of doing it using Ethernet over USB. But is it also possible to do ...
muhammad haris's user avatar
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How do I get Swift working on my Pi 3b

I am a longtime iOS OS X developer who's switched most of his work to Swift. Now that Swift is open source, it has been offered for non-Apple ARM devices like the Pi. Based on my reading, it looks ...
Duncan C's user avatar
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