Questions tagged [uv4l]

UV4L is a modular collection of Video4Linux2-compliant, cross-platform, user space drivers for real or virtual video input and output devices (with absolutely no external difference from kernel drivers), and other pluggable back-ends or front-ends. It has evolved during the time and now includes a full-featured Streaming Server component providing a set of modern and unique solutions for live audio&video streaming, mirroring and conferencing over the web.

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6 votes
1 answer

How to configure UV4L?

I have been trying to edit the .conf file for raspicam to change the default resolution; however, I can seem to figure out the right command for enabling configuration permissions. When I access the ....
Jammel Benjamin's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Configuring uv4L for webRTC using USB camera on RPI2 raspbian

To make a UV4L WebRTC client for KMS, i am trying to run a USB camera on RPI2 with the UV4L driver, I Tried with the Microsoft lifeCam, which is UVC compliant. Tutorials only show this working with ...
jbheren's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

UV4L crashes after failed WebRTC connection

I have a project and I'm trying to get WebRTC streaming to work. I used instructions from here to modify my Dockerfile. What I'm doing: Install UV4L software: RUN apt-get update &&...
Leonti's user avatar
  • 131
2 votes
1 answer

U4vl Streaming to multiple web clients

I am using uv4l-raspicam and the uv4l-server with WebRTC support, and I am able to stream the image of my camera to one single viewer of the website. The other viewers get an error message that there ...
schoppenhauer's user avatar