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Using single 5V relay module (jqc-3ff-s-z) - Asking for help

I have a developer background missing the electronics background. I read some threads with great interest: Using single 5V relay (jqc-3ff-s-z) - safety advice required and 5V relay (jqc-3ff-s-z) I ...
GuyH's user avatar
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How do I connect this anemometer to a Raspberry Pi? [closed]

I want to connect an anemometer to my Raspberry Pi 3. I'm trying to use the Maplin N25FR Wind Speed Sensor. How do I connect it to my Raspberry Pi? I found this picture online, but I don't ...
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Would this be the full list of materials to connect a ML8511 UV sensor to a Raspberry Pi?

I have the SparkFun ML8511/UV Sensor Breakout. In order to connect this to a Raspberry Pi would I need any other materials besides the following: A Breadboard A MCP3008 for analogue to digital ...
Foobar's user avatar
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What is the correct wiring using a break beam sensor with a Raspberry Pi 3?

I am looking to wire a break beam sensor to gather results and save them as eventually as JSON data. I am however totally new to hardware and believe there is an issue with the circuit. I have the ...
James Parsons's user avatar