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Connecting Raspberry Pi to old found TFT display

I have an old car DVD player sitting around that has a fairly decent secondary TFT LCD screen (hannstar 721h440b19-a1) that I thought I could use with my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. I opened up the unit,...
Aaron Greene's user avatar
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Do I need a resistor to wire my Pi Zero directly to a power source?

I want to connect my Pi Zero directly to a 5V 10amp power adapter (shown below) which in turn connects to a wall outlet. I know that with LEDs you can't just connect it directly to the power source ...
Matt's user avatar
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Flow Meter connected RPI 3 wiring [closed]

Is the wiring the same from a RPI B+ to a RPI 3 to connect a the flow meter too? If you strip the connector to just bare ends from the flow meter what cables/connectors do you recommend purchasing for ...
cs80's user avatar
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How to wire a switch to turn on and off the power source on a Pi Zero?

I'm planning a project that involves a portable Pi Zero with a battery and I want to wire a switch that turns on and off the pi/battery. I'm not too experienced with hardware and I would like some ...
Mercury Platinum's user avatar