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Wiegand wiring guidance on Pi 4 with voltage step-down

Ok so following on from my previous post here. I have decided to start with the Wiegand wiring interface. I've drawn a diagram below to illustrate how I plan to wire everything up. Would appreciate if ...
fabbbles's user avatar
-3 votes
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Can somebody please tell me how to wire this?

I litterally cannot find it anywhere on how to wire this The only thing any of the pigrrl schematics show is connecting wires from b1,2,3,4 to pins on another ...
user25832's user avatar
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How can I use Garage Door Safety Sensors with Raspberry Pi?

I am trying to use garage door safety sensors as a way of counting cars. From my understanding, if there is no object (car) between the sensors, then they output a 3.3V signal every 6 milliseconds. If ...
Heisenber44's user avatar
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When to set internal pin resistance at software layer

I'm trying to wire my Raspbery Pi 1 Model A (hereafter RPi) to a simple 6VDC buzzer and here is my best attempt: So the 3.3V power pin from the RPi is connected to the breadboard's top-most rail via ...
smeeb's user avatar
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Is wiringPiSetup BCM or BOARD?

I am using WiringPi to simulate PWM output to my GPIO pins. My problem is that I converted from the regular Rpi.GPIO library to WiringPi. I used BCM as GPIO mode but now WiringPi uses BOARD. How can I ...
TSR's user avatar
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Wiring a 3 pin toggle switch to Raspberry Pi 3

I have this small 3 pin toggle switch - just toggles left and right - it has its three pins aligned left, center and right. No datasheet for it - not sure where it came from - most likely a starter ...
dbmitch's user avatar
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WiringPi traffic light in C [duplicate]

I am working on a project for my C programming class and need to use wiringPi on my raspberryPi. I need to create a traffic light (like a real one- red to green to yellow to red, etc.) and a ...
M.C's user avatar
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3 answers

pwm fan on pin 18 help!

Can someone help me? I'm trying to control a fan using PWM and I cannot work out how to do it. This worked for a short amount of time and then stopped working. According to the docs, GPIO pin 18 ...
mega turtlegames's user avatar
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AdaFruit PiPlate(LCD+Keys) + PWM port + DS18B20 temp sensor

I would like to know if it is possible to use at the same time, the Adafruit LCD+Keys + the PWM port(to control a MOSFET) + one temperature sensor (DS18B20) and its oneWire protocol? I was concerned ...
J4N's user avatar
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wiringPiSetupSys - input pin state does not change

I try to port my GPIO project from quick2wire to WiringPi. My aim is to read the state of a photocell connected to pin 24 of my raspberry pi (model B, revision 2). My code (python 3) looks like this: ...
speendo's user avatar
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Logic State non-responsive

I need the raspberry Pi to respond to some buttons. I'm writing this in Pure C, using the wiringPi library. As such, I thought it prudent to use the gpio utlitily to make sure my pins were sane ...
user1833028's user avatar