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Questions tagged [wiring]

Items referring to physical wiring. For question to the wiringPi library use the tag wiringPi.

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Set up on Adafruit Motor Hat

I recently bought the Adafruit Stepper Motor Hat, installed the software as per the instructions, and while it works flawlessly when running the DC motor, it will only turn the stepper motor in one ...
Steve French's user avatar
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Questions about wiring raspberry, l298n, SG90 and HC-SR04

I've finished testing and mounting my hc-sr04 and sg90 and now i have to connect everything, but have doubts and questions. Here are the diagrams that show what I am thinking to do: This one shows how ...
archer66's user avatar
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Can I get some help wiring up this GPS unit?

I got a microstack gps as a gift, and I would like to do something with Unfortunately, I do not also have the micro-stack base board. I am looking at the Documentation for the microstack base board ...
j0h's user avatar
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Cannot get ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 to work(maybe I broke it with wrong wiring?)

I am trying to measure distance with HC-SR04 and Raspberry Pi A+ using Python on Raspbian. So here is how it is connected: VCC - to the 5V Out from L289N motor driver GND - to GND on the L298N motor ...
archer66's user avatar
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AdaFruit PiPlate(LCD+Keys) + PWM port + DS18B20 temp sensor

I would like to know if it is possible to use at the same time, the Adafruit LCD+Keys + the PWM port(to control a MOSFET) + one temperature sensor (DS18B20) and its oneWire protocol? I was concerned ...
J4N's user avatar
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wiringPiSetupSys - input pin state does not change

I try to port my GPIO project from quick2wire to WiringPi. My aim is to read the state of a photocell connected to pin 24 of my raspberry pi (model B, revision 2). My code (python 3) looks like this: ...
speendo's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to power 2 devices using a powerboost charger?

I am putting together a PiPhone but with slight mod to the power. Is it possible to use powerboost 1000 charger to achieve the following? power up rpi + pitft and the sim module, recharge battery ...
Sean Lee's user avatar
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How can I use a LCD display with a I2C adapter?

I'd like to try to communicate to a 16x2 LCD display, however whole docs I found assume I should connect the whole pin-out however I got some kind of I2C adapter from which makes a 4 pin ...
diegoaguilar's user avatar
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How to wire up a DHT11 temperature sensor

I'm a Raspberry Pi (and hardware) noob and am trying to hook up a DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor. I've found two separate guides, and I'm seeking advice as to which I should follow. This UU ...
Stephen Lead's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

How can I wire this SD card reader to RaspberryPi?

I need to add a second SD card reader to my Raspberry Pi for the project (the RPi will be embedded in a box, so I need a user-SD-card reader). Here is what I would like to use (it ...
Basj's user avatar
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Does SPI port work on Raspberry B+

I've been trying talk to a MCP3008 ADC from the Raspbeery Pi B+. There are loads of examples of this working out there but I don't seem to be able to configure the port. I've followed the various ...
David Ritchie's user avatar
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Can I wire a relay AND a breadboard?

I'm looking at 2 projects, one is using relay to a garage door opener. The other is using reed switches to monitor door openings and closings. The relay goes to the GPIO, the reed switches go to a ...
wlraider70's user avatar
2 votes
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Simple DC Solenoid Valve Circuit, How to size components?

I'm trying to build a circuit controlled by a 3.3V GPIO pin on a raspberry pi to open / close a 12VDC Solenoid Valve. Part of me feels I'm in over my head and I should back away slowly, but hopefully ...
Jeff Lambert's user avatar
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PWM-based controlling an LED-strip using transistors, circuitry problems [closed]

I know there are some similar questions out there, but I'm really new to electronics and unfortunately they didn't provide me help. I want to control a tricolor LED strip (being able to dim each of ...
user1841833's user avatar
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WiringPi + softPwm calculation to determine duty cycle

For my project we got a pre-installed rpi with all the working libraries and an example program to set a servo in middle position. The info: in a period of 20ms (50hz) we need 1,5ms to set it to ...
Guinn's user avatar
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ws2801 Wiring Problem?

I recently purchased a 5m long strip of ws2801 leds. I've been trying in vain to get them to light up. During part of my troubleshooting I decided to confirm that I was getting power across the strip ...
qu1ckdry's user avatar
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wiringPi interrupt not working

this program is supposed to blink led when I press button, but the led start blinking with the start of program and never stop. button wired to gpio 17 and ground (0 in wiringPi map) led wired to ...
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4 answers

Connecting RTC DS1037, Pin 5 already occupied

I think of adding a RTC Module to my Raspberry Pi. I found the following tutorial. In general it's ...
Christoph Daum's user avatar
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Stepper motor troubles

I've been trying to setup my stepper motor with my RPI according to this guide: However, nothing seems to be happening, have ...
OXp1845's user avatar
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The 'ACT' LED is not blinking and the CPU is overheating.

So i was working on a project in which I had to use an ADC. I used WiringPi's Python modules to do so. For testing the ADC, I attached a 100k pot to its input pin, supplied it about 20V but used the ...
rishi's user avatar
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Arcade buttons on GPIO, multiple buttons on the same ground pin

I have noticed that while hooking up arcade buttons to the GPIO set on the model b board that along with the joystick I should be able (by assigning certain GPIO pins to ground) to connect 7 other ...
Caritaspax's user avatar
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Logic State non-responsive

I need the raspberry Pi to respond to some buttons. I'm writing this in Pure C, using the wiringPi library. As such, I thought it prudent to use the gpio utlitily to make sure my pins were sane ...
user1833028's user avatar
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Most Secure way to Attach Wires to Header?

I am constructing a portable device (a tool the enhance the quality of life for a blind user) but, alas, because it is portable, it must be able to survive the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. ...
user1833028's user avatar
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How to use Slice of Pi kit for prototyping?

I have a Slice of Pi prototype board, but I'm somewhat confused as to how I'm supposed to use it. None of the pads in the prototype area seem to be connected. How am I supposed to wire stuff together ...
Cajunluke's user avatar
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How do I wire this PIR motion sensor? [closed]

Apologies if this is off-topic; I'm not sure where else to ask. I've tried working through Adafruit's lovely tutorial, but it appears that the component I'm working with (EKMC1603112) is not set up ...
Sean Allred's user avatar
2 votes
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Driving Bi-Color LEDs

I have some LEDs that are Bi-Color so if you make a circuit like this: [+]-----[LED]-----[-] you get one color, and if you do it the opposite: [-]-----[LED]-----[+] You get the other color. I am ...
FoamyGuy's user avatar
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Triggering a solenoid off GPIO

this solenoid is killing me! I have it connected to a GPIO pin, and I've tried running it both from that to 3.3v, and to GND. Either way, with Low or High written to the pin, respectively, it doesn'...
economistdolly's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

12V device to a Raspberry Pi

For my school engineering project, I have a coin acceptor device which I would like to link to the Raspberry Pi. However the device requires 12V in power. I have an idea of what to do to power the ...
ChaoticPanda's user avatar
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What are the Ground power ratings? - Connecting ground with motor controller

Basically, what are the ratings for the Ground GPIO pins? I guess nothing above 5 Volts and 1 Amp, but knowing what they are would be helpful (for a similar project I am planning to do when I have ...
Wilf's user avatar
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Voltage issues with my Raspberry Pi

I'm having some trouble driving LEDs from my Raspberry Pi, so I started poking around with my multimeter, and the voltages seem very wrong. Compared the the ground port, the 5V0 ports show 4.6 V, ...
Cajunluke's user avatar
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Can I use the TX pin as a normal GPIO output alongside serial communications on the UART? [closed]

I'm using the raspberry pi's UART to interface with a third-party radio. At startup, the radio reads its RX pin (the pi's TX pin) to determine which baud rate should be used. I'm using Gordon's ...
RocketLauncher's user avatar
9 votes
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i2cdetect doesn't catch ANY address. How can I tell if I2C working correctly?

I'm having difficulties interfacing the Raspberry Pi to basically any I2C sensor. I've gone through a lot of tutorials on how to get the I2C driver to work and my connections are correct. Still, ...
Ahmed Farid's user avatar
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Where is my mistake?

I am trying to run a c program which will wait for me to hit a key on a 4x4 keypad and then display the number I have hit. The program I have bit runs but ends just as soon as I start it and I can't ...
Marmstrong's user avatar
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Building a case for a server

I want to order a RasPi soon, because it is very interesting. Well, I informed me about the RasPi and now I know: I want definitly a RasPi. Now, I have a older case of a 3.5" external enclosure, ...
Christopher300's user avatar
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Controlling a Servo motor [closed]

I am having trouble running a servo motor with raspberry pi Here is what I have done so far , I have gotten a servo motor (, I have powered it with a 5 volt power source from a ...
Gautam's user avatar
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3 answers

Light Controller System Help - What should I use in my build to individually control multiple lights?

I am currently working on a project with my Raspberry Pi.... I would like to be able to control 5 different lights at the same time, but only one of the lights will be on at a time. In theory, I ...
Zero's user avatar
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