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Questions tagged [wiring]

Items referring to physical wiring. For question to the wiringPi library use the tag wiringPi.

23 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Moisture sensor gives weird results when connected to a relay

I was about to review the items as faulty when I connected my brain and made a second test. The sensor is supposed to return 0 when dry and 1 when wet. In my script I repeat the reading 100 times. I ...
Lorenzo's user avatar
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GPIO Button Wiring

Edited: Question re-written Hello, So I am looking to build a system that will have around 400-500 input buttons. These buttons are basically used to select an option so only 1 button will ever be ...
opalbow's user avatar
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(Wiring) RPi 4B laptop keyboard

NOTE: Not that I've chosen a few wired keyboards, I'll accept an answer that explains HOW to (easily) wire a keybard to the pi - it cannot obstruct the use of a small fan powered by the GPIO. I'm ...
Galaxy's user avatar
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DS18B20 randomly dissapear from the devices list

I have 4 DS18B20 sensors connected to a Raspberry Pi 4, with a resistor of 10kOhm. All of the sensors randomly disappears from the w1/devices. In config.txt the dtoverlay=w1-gpio as well as the ...
Galterius's user avatar
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RPi.GPIO + single channel relay + solenoid lock

I'm working on my first python/hardware project and I want to create a simple (or at least I thought it was simple) cabinet lock, which will lock/unlock when certain RFID tags are approached to the ...
jnko's user avatar
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128x64 LCD install to Pi Zero W

This is my first Rasp project, so please be understanding. I have Raspberry Pi Zero W and 128*64 dot china LCD. I do not have any program done for the screen yet. When start my Rasp only backlight ...
masteroscar's user avatar
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Connecting Raspberry Pi to old found TFT display

I have an old car DVD player sitting around that has a fairly decent secondary TFT LCD screen (hannstar 721h440b19-a1) that I thought I could use with my Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. I opened up the unit,...
Aaron Greene's user avatar
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Wired IR with CIRT1/2 for Calypso CA-1000

Is it possible to do IR over wire with a Calypso CA-1000 amp? It has an IR receiver and wired IR in/out ports (IR out for daisy-chaining) and looks for CIRT1, 2, and custom codes. I would like to be ...
Troy Osborne's user avatar
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Using a direct signal to open/close a gate

I have a LiftMaster gate opener, to which I would like to add something like a Raspberry Pi so that I can control it from my phone over the internet. The manual for my gate opener (p. 51) shows a ...
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GSM1: No answer, put_command expected (OK)|(ERROR)|(0)|(4)

smstools3's /var/log/smsd.log keeps giving: GSM1: Checking if modem is ready GSM1: -> AT GSM1: Command is sent, waiting for the answer. (5) GSM1: No answer, put_command expected (OK)|(ERROR)|(0)|(4)...
Geremia's user avatar
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HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor Heating Up and Not Working

I have two breadboards (for the front and back of a go-kart) which are supplied by the 5V power pins of the raspberry pi 4 respectively (pins 2 and 4). However, when both are plugged in, the second ...
Pasindu Danthanarayana's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi direct wiring connection problem

I wrote some code to activate a video when a motion sensor detects movement. So far everything works while everything is wired to the breadboard. When I connect my motion sensor to the Pi itself, it ...
GraphicNilez's user avatar
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What's the best to control a motorized valve: 2 or 3 wires command?

I need to control a bi-stable motorized valve. I hesitate between two types of wiring: Inverse polarity of 2 wires to open or close: I can do it with two coupled relays. Does it hurt to do it with ...
lalebarde's user avatar
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How to power this LED array

I have this infra-red LED array that I took from an old game camera. I would like to be able to incorporate this into a Raspberry Pi project (home security camera). Specifically I would like to turn ...
GBG's user avatar
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making a DC motor spin both ways

I week ago, I got my raspberry pi, connected it to a DC motor, and made the DC motor spin using python. now, I'm trying to get the motor spinning both ways. I have tried but failed. What is the best ...
forever's user avatar
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ST7789 Display on Raspberry PI 3

I just got an ST7789 240x240 display and i can't get it to work with my PI. i'm using this library: i installed all the python dependency's When i ...
Mateus Lutkus's user avatar
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Multiple SDA/SCL | Getting 16x32 RGB LED to work with MCP23017?

I am close to completing a device which will have a 16x32 led matrix as well as quite a few lights/buttons/sensors. All these lights and sensors go through an MCP23017. I am using the Adafruit led ...
PinMan's user avatar
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Motor-Potientiometer read and write, additional power source

I want to get and set values for a motor potentioneter ALPS RK16812MG from a raspberry pi. I found a similar approach here however, the answers in that forum suggest a different wiring with an ...
Milla Well's user avatar
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Controlling M35SP-9T stepper with UNL2003

I would like to control a recycled stepper motor with UNL2003. I bought a downloaded a sample script from here Created a test circuit, and the controller is working fine with the 28BYJ motor. I did ...
vilmarci's user avatar
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Need wiring help to use a Raspberry 4B with a Mac, Octoprint and Longer LK5 3d printer

I know where to apply the 5 volts for power. So far it appears that a cable is supposed to connect the 3D printers USB port to one of the Raspberry Pi 4B USB ports. An SD card plugs into the Pi 4B but ...
user157666's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to connect more I2C sensors on top of a RPI shield

I'm struggling with a problem, how to connect more sensors on top of this raspberry shield => The shields schematic can be found here and it ...
Jack M.'s user avatar
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RPi pin being tripped by static electricity?

I'm writing a program that will run a timer until the user plugs a wire into two ports and presses a big red button. At home, my program works pretty well, but when many people are in the same room, ...
flazzo's user avatar
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Basic questions about inputs/outputs on a breadboard (Pi 3)

I have started my first basic project today and I have a few questions I couldn't find answers to yet or I just don't know how to search for any. Sorry if those questions seem a bit stupid, but I will ...
Andi's user avatar
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