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Specified the needs of connecting via Ethernet
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Solution steps to reproduce:

  1. be sure you are connected on internet so download and install Raspberry Pi Imager from official
  2. so from your macOS open up Raspberry Pi Imager
  3. at operating system choose Erase Format card as FAT32. So choose Storage and then Write
  4. at operating system choose Raspberry Pi OS (other) then choose Raspberry Pi OS Lite (32-bit). So choose Storage and then Write
  5. to let ssh available into raspberrypi just create an empty file called ssh into /Volumes/boot
  6. you can now safely disconnect /Volumes/boot
  7. power-on via ethernet this raspberrypi with the new boot
  8. be sure on your macOS file ~/.ssh/config is empty
  9. be sure on your macOS file ~/.ssh/known_hosts is empty
  10. from your macOS open up a terminal and run command ssh [email protected] so choose yes and type default password raspberry
  11. get ip of raspberrypi by running command hostname -I
  12. run command exit
  13. now use command ssh pi@<ip address you copied just above> so choose yes and type default password raspberry


➜  ~ sw_vers        
ProductName:    macOS
ProductVersion: 11.4
BuildVersion:   20F71

➜  ~ /usr/bin/ssh -V
OpenSSH_8.1p1, LibreSSL 2.7.3
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Raspbian
Description:    Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Release:    10
Codename:   buster

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ssh -V
OpenSSH_7.9p1 Raspbian-10+deb10u2+rpt1, OpenSSL 1.1.1d  10 Sep 2019
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