Raspbian is managing hardware with overlays. In `/boot/overlays/README` you will find: Name: pi3-disable-wifi Info: Disable Pi3 onboard WiFi Load: dtoverlay=pi3-disable-wifi Params: <None> I suggest you just add dtoverlay=pi3-disable-wifi to `/boot/config.txt` to disable wifi. I have tested it with a Raspberry Pi 4B. It is also valid for Pi4. When disabled you will not get a WiFi interface **wlan0** as you can check with `ip -br addr`. **UPDATE:** *@JeffAtwood* [noted in his comment](https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/100543/how-to-disable-wifi-in-raspberry-pi-4/100549#comment166502_100549) >They renamed it to `disable-wifi` so you can use that, `pi3-disable-wifi` was kept as a synonym for compatibility. Same thing with disabling bluetooth. 2019-10-25: seems everything is documented now in `/boot/overlays/README`.