I'm doing some OpenCV development on a Raspberry Pi 3, and I have found some information about using ZRAM on the Pi to try and boost its processing effectiveness. I know this isn't actually adding more RAM (since you can't just add more RAM without a physical addition), and it's more of a compression/swap file scheme. [This post](https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/8053/how-the-usage-of-zram-module-in-raspberry-pi-kernel-improves-performance?rq=1, "How the usage of ZRam module in Raspberry Pi Kernel improves performance?") has the best explanation I have seen so far, and explains that ZRAM is useful in some cases but not in others. For my particular case, I am trying to run live OpenCV (Python) on a Raspberry Pi 3 B+ on a USB camera input. Would using ZRAM be helpful in my case? I would think an operation like this would be very CPU heavy, so it might be helpful.