I just downloaded and started the raspberry KivyPie impage [from here][1] According to the documentation, it is PipaOs/Raspbian based. How can I change the keyboard language to German? I tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration this works (at least it asks me all kind of keyboard questions) at the end, the warning *update-rc.d: warning: start and stop actions are no longer supported* appears twice. The keyboard layout does not change, not even after a reboot. Any idea how this is fixable? I currently have no internet on that pi and raspi-config is not avaible on that image I also tried manually changing /etc/default/keyboard (as suggested [here][2]) but it has the XKBLAYOUT="de" value which should be OK. [1]: http://kivypie.mitako.eu/ [2]: https://raspberrypi.stackexchange.com/questions/10060