There's a really great package that I love called [`command-not-found`][1]. When you type unknown commands, it searches through apt and suggests packages to install. [It has worked in Raspberry Pi before.][2] However if you try it now… sudo apt-get install command-not-found Package is installed. According to docs you need to generate its database: sudo update-command-not-found It however finishes under half a second with return code 0, which is suspicious and strange. I've used it before in a full PC and it takes at least 20 seconds. Then, no matter how many times I try to `update-command-not-found`, or restart my bash session, the database is never there. $ aoeuaoeuaoeu Could not find the database of available applications, run update-command-not-found as root to fix this aoeuaoeuaoeu: command not found If you `man update-command-not-found`, it references the file/folder (I dunno) `/var/cache/apt/apt-file`, which doesn't seem to be there at all. Should it? Or should `update-command-not-found` look elsewhere? [1]: [2]: