The files in the `/boot` directory are from the first partition of the SD card that's been mounted there during the boot process. Because the first partition is formatted as a [FAT filesystem][3] the files don't have the same meta-data available as when using, for example, the ext4 filesystem. The [mount][1] command used to mount the partition has to somehow map the meta-data expected by the underlying filesystem from the mounted filesystem and this ends up with some of the flags being meaningless or mapped to different meanings. In your example, the [File Allocation Tables][2] on the SD card has no concept of a file being "executable" (I believe that actual vFAT systems look at the file extension to figure out if it's executable or not: it's a function of the OS, not the filesystem) so *all* the files will have the executable bit set when mounted. There are other features missing in "vFAT" that can lead to odd behaviour when being mounted, such as no UID/GID; coarser timestamps that start at a different Epoch and restricted filenames for example. You can adjust how some of these are "handled", look at some of the options listed under the "_Mount options for fat_" section in the `man 8 mount` pages. See also [1]: [2]: [3]: