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Piotr Kula's answer seems to be on the right track but is outdated for Raspberry stretch.

There are updated instructions for uv4l on Raspberry stretch at

# switch to superuser mode
sudo -s
# add the repository key for uv4l
curl | sudo apt-key add 
# add the url for the u4vl repository to apt
echo "deb stretch main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install uv4l uv4l-raspicam
apt-get install uv4l-raspicam-extras
# do not forget to install the server - see what happens if you do
# below
apt-get install uv4l-server

You can tweek the uv4l options via /etc/uv4l/uv4l-raspicam.conf and then restart the service with

sudo service uv4l_raspicam restart

In my case things didn't work out of the box (if forgot to install the uv4l-server ...). The following comments might help you debug similar problems.

I checked that the server is running with:

pgrep -fla uv4l
995 /usr/bin/uv4l -f -k --sched-fifo --mem-lock --config-file=/etc/uv4l/uv4l-raspicam.conf --driver raspicam --driver-config-file=/etc/uv4l/uv4l-raspicam.conf --server-option=--editable-config-file=/etc/uv4l/uv4l-raspicam.conf

and whether it listened with

sudo netstat -tulpn 

but there was no entry for uv4l in the list. I had expected one for port 8080

so i tried the command from How to configure UV4L?

uv4l --sched-rr --mem-lock --driver raspicam \
> --width 960 --height 540 --framerate 30 \
> --encoding mjpeg --vflip --hflip
<notice> [core] Trying to loading driver 'raspicam' from built-in drivers...
<notice> [core] Loading driver 'raspicam' from external plug-in's...
<notice> [driver] Dual Raspicam & TC358743 Video4Linux2 Driver v1.9.63 built Oct  6 2018
<notice> [driver] Detected camera imx219, 3280x2464
<notice> [driver] Selected format: 960x544, encoding: mjpeg, JPEG Video Capture
<notice> [driver] Framerate max. 30 fps
<notice> [core] Device detected!
<notice> [core] Registering device node /dev/uv4l

But still the server didn't start automatically ...

man uv4l

then showed me the option

--enable-server [=arg(=required)] (=auto)
          enable the streaming server. Possible values are: 'auto' (tenta‐
          tively start the server), 'required' (exit if failing  to  start
          the  server,  only  works if --foreground is enabled), 'off' (no
          server at all).

so I tried:

pkill uv4l
sudo uv4l --sched-rr --mem-lock --driver raspicam --encoding mjpeg --enable-server=required
<notice> [core] Trying to loading driver 'raspicam' from built-in drivers...
<notice> [core] Loading driver 'raspicam' from external plug-in's...
<notice> [driver] Dual Raspicam & TC358743 Video4Linux2 Driver v1.9.63 built Oct  6 2018
<notice> [driver] Detected camera imx219, 3280x2464
<notice> [driver] Selected format: 1920x1080, encoding: mjpeg, JPEG Video Capture
<notice> [driver] Framerate max. 30 fps
<notice> [core] Device detected!
<notice> [core] Registering device node /dev/uv4l

but still no server running on port 8080 or elswhere. So it seems i forgot the "--foreground" option which the man page states is necessary:

sudo uv4l --sched-rr --mem-lock --driver raspicam --encoding mjpeg --enable-server=required --foreground
<notice> [core] Trying to loading driver 'raspicam' from built-in drivers...
<notice> [core] Loading driver 'raspicam' from external plug-in's...
<notice> [driver] Dual Raspicam & TC358743 Video4Linux2 Driver v1.9.63 built Oct  6 2018
<notice> [driver] Detected camera imx219, 3280x2464
<notice> [driver] Selected format: 1920x1080, encoding: mjpeg, JPEG Video Capture
<notice> [driver] Framerate max. 30 fps
<notice> [core] Device detected!
<notice> [core] Trying to load the the Streaming Server plug-in...
<warning> [core] cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<alert> [core] No Streaming Server detected

Now that's a clear hint! There seems to be no server yet - so install it:

sudo apt-get install uv4l-server

and try again:

sudo uv4l --sched-rr --mem-lock --driver raspicam --encoding mjpeg --enable-server=required --foreground
<notice> [core] Trying to loading driver 'raspicam' from built-in drivers...
<notice> [core] Loading driver 'raspicam' from external plug-in's...
<notice> [driver] Dual Raspicam & TC358743 Video4Linux2 Driver v1.9.63 built Oct  6 2018
<notice> [driver] Detected camera imx219, 3280x2464
<notice> [driver] Selected format: 1920x1080, encoding: mjpeg, JPEG Video Capture
<notice> [driver] Framerate max. 30 fps
<notice> [core] Device detected!
<notice> [core] Trying to load the the Streaming Server plug-in...
<notice> [server] HTTP/HTTPS Streaming & WebRTC Signalling Server v1.1.125 built on Mar  9 2019
<warning> [server] SSL is not enabled for the Streaming Server. Using unsecure HTTP.
<notice> [core] Streaming Server loaded!
<notice> [core] Registering device node /dev/uv4l
<notice> [server] Web Streaming Server listening on port 8080

The server is now available at http://pi:8080 (replace pi with your server's ip or hostname)

After a reboot it worked with out entering another command.