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For questions pertaining to Bluetooth setup, usage and troubleshooting on the Raspberry Pi, whether onboard or via a USB dongle.

0 votes

Disabling RPI media output

You can see what Bluetooth profiles your RPi machine supports by doing bluetoothctl show. … /lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service The line that starts the daemon is: ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd So you would add --noplugin=a2dp to disable the audio services. …
ukBaz's user avatar
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1 vote

Which document I can find bluetooth HCI event code meaning?

It is not the easiest document to read, but those sections do appear to be in there. I downloaded it from
ukBaz's user avatar
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2 votes

Can't use Bluetooth COM ports from Windows 10

For example: [bluetooth]# show Controller B8:27:EB:22:57:E0 (public) Name: SensePi Alias: SensePi Class: 0x002c0000 Powered: yes Discoverable: no DiscoverableTimeout …
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3 votes

If I install bluetooth on raspberry pi, will this mean I won't need a bluetooth wifi dongle etc

Bluetooth support is split between the hardware and the software required. … For the versions you specify in your question, the Raspberry Pi 2 will need a Bluetooth dongle to add the Bluetooth hardware. …
ukBaz's user avatar
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0 votes

Update BLE broadcast message at low latency

An example of sending a Eddystone URL beacon: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ bluetoothctl Agent registered [bluetooth]# advertise.uuids feaa [bluetooth]# advertise.service 0xfeaa 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x62 0x6c 0x75 0x65 … Tx Power: off Name: off Appearance: off Discoverable: on [bluetooth]# discoverable on Changing discoverable on succeeded [CHG] Controller B8:27:EB:22:57:E0 Discoverable: yes [bluetooth]# …
ukBaz's user avatar
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4 votes

Bluetoothctl from script with submenu

The published BlueZ API is available at: There is an example advertisement at: … And a peripheral at: …
ukBaz's user avatar
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1 vote

Sendind data from Huawei Scale 3 to Raspberry Pi

The Bluetooth stack on a Raspberry Pi is BlueZ which is the official Bluetooth stack for Linux. … These APIs are documented at: and they have examples at: It looks like the scales …
ukBaz's user avatar
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3 votes

Raspberry Pi, how can i turn bluetooth on and off over Python script?

The Bluetooth stack on Linux is BlueZ and they make a series of APIs available using D-Bus to interface with the Bluetooth hardware. … /org/bluez/hci0 is normally the built in Bluetooth adapter on a Raspberry Pi. The API for the Bluetooth Adapter has a Powered property that you can use to turn the power on and off. …
ukBaz's user avatar
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2 votes

BlueZ Profile RequireAuthentication=False not working when trying to initiate connection wit... The other changes I made was to remove the import of bluetooth and os as they are not used. …
ukBaz's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I open a connection to my Raspberry Pi over Bluetooth without having to pair?

The Linux Bluetooth stack uses BlueZ which has an API for setting up classic Profiles such as SPP. … This is documented at: This has the option to set RequireAuthentication to false so that connection to the server is allowed …
ukBaz's user avatar
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2 votes

Serial Communication Between Windows and RPi Over Bluetooth

Another alternative for the RPi would be the Bluedot RFCOMM functionality: … There is also this useful blog …
ukBaz's user avatar
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2 votes

BlueZ receive Bluetooth sensor information

You might be seeing the error messages you are getting because gatttool bypasses the Bluetooth daemon running on your system causing there to be some kind of conflict. … Using blutoothctl will help identify if the issue is with your system or with the code as bluetoothctl uses the same API to talk to the Bluetooth daemon as your Python code. …
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5 votes

Sharing my phone's internet to Raspberry Pi 3 via Bluetooth (Tether)

The new way of doing this is to use the D-Bus API which is documented at: An example of how to use that API is at: … /pub/scm/bluetooth/bluez.git/tree/test/test-network There is some more details at: Host Web Server on Raspberry PI via Bluetooth PAN …
ukBaz's user avatar
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3 votes

What is the best method to sniff bluetooth on a Raspberry Pi?

BlueZ is the official Bluetooth stack for Linux kernel-based family of operating systems. Its goal is to program an implementation of the Bluetooth wireless standards specifications for Linux. … those APIs to scan for devices: …
ukBaz's user avatar
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3 votes

Accepting and trust automatically Bluetooth devices

What are the definitions of the terms used: BlueZ - The official Bluetooth stack used on Linux bluetoothctl - The command line tool from BlueZ to control Bluetooth agent - The BlueZ interface that handles …
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