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Results tagged with cmdline.txt
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user 5538
cmdline.txt is a file for passing arguments to the Linux kernel during the boot process.
Where delete the parameter that references the UART serial port (ttyAMA0)?
one of the steps asked me to delete the parameter that references the UART serial port (ttyAMA0) in cmdline.txt, does it mean that I have to delete this part console=serial0,115200 from my cmdline.txt …
How do I set the Dvorak keyboard layout in cmdline.txt?
Setting the keyboard from cmdline.txt probably isn't ideal, and you would be better off using raspi-config, particularly if you use a GUI, because I believe the keyboard used there maybe configured independently … That said, the parameters in cmdline.txt are passed to kernel, and anything that's not recognized by the kernel is passed to the init system (init being the only userspace program actually started by the …
Raspberry Pi 2 and Adafruit Thermal Printer 597
when I change parameters in my /boot/cmdline.txt
You did this wrong. … You must make sure cmdline.txt still includes:
root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4
That there is a space between each parameter, but no spaces within a parameter (most of them are key=value but …
Why does /dev/mmcblk0p2 work when PARTUUID doesn't?
The root= field from cmdline.txt specifies to the kernel where the partition with the root filesystem is. There are a few ways that can be specified. … Conversely, if you copy cmdline.txt around, you'll end up with a mismatch. …
Change/reset password WITHOUT monitor/keyboard
The password isn't actually stored anywhere on the system, a one way hash of it is. This means even if you have the hash, you won't be able to deduce the password.
The hash itself is stored in /etc/ …