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Windows 10 IoT Core is an operating system for the Internet of Things. It has no desktop, but allows you to run a single Universal Windows Platform App in fullscreen. Out of the Raspberry Pi series, only the B 2 and the B 3 models are capable of running this OS.

1 vote

Win10 IoT Screen Orientation Wont Change for Raspberry Pi 3 + RPi 7" Display

The problem has been fixed in OS version 10.0.14393.576. Please update to this Windows IOT version and you don't need a workarround anymore.
ChristophH's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Win10 IOT Webserver as Background App

I'm running a headed application on my Raspberry without any user input (just a display). Since I'd like to change some things in my application I'd like to implement a Webserver and a website where …
ChristophH's user avatar