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14 votes

How to revert from rpi-update to stable build

"In normal circumstances there is NEVER a need to run rpi-update as it always gets you to the leading edge firmware and kernel and because that may be a testing version it could leave your RPi ...
Milliways's user avatar
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14 votes

Do I still need rpi-update if I am using the latest version of Raspbian?

Meanwhile the kernel is part of the raspberrypi-kernel-package in Raspbian. So rpi-update is not needed anymore to update the kernel. There are several kernels in the package, that means it works on ...
yglodt's user avatar
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12 votes

Do I still need rpi-update if I am using the latest version of Raspbian?

The answer marked as correct is in fact outdated, and in a problematic way: rpi-update will update the firmware to the latest published version, which has to be considered "not stable". So following ...
Panca's user avatar
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12 votes

What is the minimum power required for an RPi 4 in `halt` or `shutdown`?

Q1: Is it possible to realize the claimed current draw of "about 3 mA" in any inactive state? A1: No - at least not with the tools covered in the "Official Documentation". To frame ...
Seamus's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I determine the current firmware version number?

Steve's answer is correct, but here are some more details that may be of interest. The firmware version seems to be identified by two pieces of information: A release/commit date A 160-bit hash value ...
Seamus's user avatar
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6 votes

Pi 4 - How to be sure to order a model with usb fixed?

Yes - the RPi 4 has had some "controversies" (il dibattito?). One is related to a flawed USB-C interface design. The other is not a design flaw, but rather a thermal management issue. Here ...
Seamus's user avatar
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5 votes

Does Raspberry Pi count as firmware

I would say no, although the concept is I think abstract enough that depending on the specifics of the context it might be considered such -- why and when to use such a label may be more about ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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4 votes

What could be causing "over-current change" all the sudden?

NB: as noted in the comments below, max_usb_current=1 is deprecated and now has no effect. A lot has changed with the Raspberry Pi's firmware since this question was asked in 2016. over-current change ...
scruss's user avatar
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4 votes

What if I flash the ARM processor with some random firmware

No, that won't be possible. As such, ARM CPUs inside the Raspberry pi SoC are slaves to the videocore. They cannot even go out of reset until the videocore executes the right firmware which allows ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
4 votes

WiFi not working after installing openmediavault (OMV) 5 in RPi 4

I had the exact same issue after installing OMV 6 on a fresh install of Raspberyy Pi Lite (64-bit) OS, and I fixed it using omv-firstaid. Here are the steps: Connect to your Raspberry Pi using an ...
DFB's user avatar
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4 votes

Do I need to upgrade any firmware on a new board to make it work and produce a video signal?

"Do I still need rpi-update if I am using the latest version of Raspbian?" I don't know how often people need to be told, or why they ignore the warning if they do run it! "In normal circumstances ...
Milliways's user avatar
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4 votes

What exact wireless chip does Pi 4 use?

You asked for the output of sudo journalctl -b | grep brcmfmac. Here is it: Oct 25 14:42:57 raspberrypi kernel: brcmfmac: F1 signature read @0x18000000=0x15264345 Oct 25 14:42:57 raspberrypi kernel: ...
Ingo's user avatar
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3 votes

Raspberry Pi B+ Overclocking

Setting the governor to "performance" should mean the processor runs at the maximum frequency set in config.txt, or the default if there isn't one. Note that this is generally pointless except in ...
goldilocks's user avatar
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3 votes

Raspberry Pi Firmware - user updateable - which bits live on sd and which on the hardware

As far as I am aware there is no user upgradeable memory or firmware within the Pi. There are a few bits of One-Time Programmable (OTP) memory once used to record usage which invalidated the warranty....
joan's user avatar
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3 votes

Bare metal: Why does the CPU automatically read instructions from the SD card?

The ARM side of the SoC has quite a few hardware peripherals (e.g. UART, SPI, I2C, etc). In particular it has an External Mass Media Controller (EMMC) SD card interface. See page 65 of BCM2835 ARM ...
joan's user avatar
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3 votes

What does rpi-update do?

rpi-update updates the kernal and firmware of your Raspberry Pi to bleeding-edge. Eventually the kernal and firmware form bleeding-edge makes it to sudo apt-get upgrade. You should not need rpi-update ...
James Young's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to flash the Pi's firmware live?

If you are doing remote updates, you can use a over-the-air updates tool built for this purpose to get more safety (e.g. rollback) and control (grouping, deployment status, etc). For example, Mender ...
rduio's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Rainbow square and influences of disable_splash=1 (or: how to get rid of the colored square)

If you want to suppress the rainbow square (low power warning) you should edit config.txt: sudo vi /boot/config.txt And add the following entry avoid_warnings=1
dvtoever's user avatar
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2 votes

Raspberry PI boot FAT32 arrangement

Here are some answers to your questions: Does the partition have to be on a specific location? I mean, is the 4,2MB of nothing before it necessary? The boot partition must be the first one. ...
Ingo's user avatar
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2 votes

vcgencmd is missing in arch linux

As of now vcgencmd is a part of alarm/raspberrypi-utils package: sudo pacman -S raspberrypi-utils It is installed at /usr/bin/vcgencmd.
Alex Potapenko's user avatar
2 votes

Raspberry Pi B+ Overclocking

The B+, Pi2 & Pi3 all have similar power circuitry, which is also more efficient than that in earlier models, but no more reliable. The vast bulk of power issues are due to lousy power supplies ...
Milliways's user avatar
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2 votes

Can my RPi3 running Raspbian be used to flash DD-WRT on to a compatible router

You can do this from any OS, you need just a file upload compatible browser (all existing browsers). Connect to your router (wi-fi, lan), open web browser, type IP address of your router, login, go to ...
Dream1nSight's user avatar
2 votes

Can my RPi3 running Raspbian be used to flash DD-WRT on to a compatible router

Since you don't specify the router, I'll give you the generic answer: Assuming you're running a mainstream distribution (like Raspbian), a RasPi is for all intents and purposes a Linux PC (just ...
BJ Black's user avatar
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2 votes

When trying to use a device I get a message "Direct firmware load failed"

The Linux kernel is trying to load firmware from a file under /lib/firmware to install it in to the device and not finding it. (In these cases this usually needs to be done every time the device is ...
cjs's user avatar
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2 votes

Does a firmware update remain when changing the OS?

The rpi-update command updates the kernel. The SD card's boot partition holds the kernel. So if you re-flash your SD card, the kernel will be replaced. If you meant to say rpi-eeprom-update though, ...
Botspot's user avatar
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Do I need to upgrade any firmware on a new board to make it work and produce a video signal?

To expand on what Milliways has written. On a brand new RPi4B you should get a copy of plain Raspbian and boot that. As soon as it's booted run sudo apt update; sudo apt dist-upgrade -y; reboot as ...
Dougie's user avatar
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What's firmware parts are needed and closedsource for RPi 4?

As @Dougie has commented, the Raspberry Pi firmware is closed source. However, there is a GitHub site for the firmware. Questions similar to yours do come up occasionally - here's one that may be of ...
Seamus's user avatar
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2 votes

Pi Camera 1.3 not detected despite v4l2-ctl listing it

There are tutorials recommending rpi-update, but it and the RaspberryPi engineers do not. "In normal circumstances there is NEVER a need to run rpi-update as it always gets you to the leading ...
Milliways's user avatar
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1 vote

Running SDL 1.2 based code on buster without X

SDL 1.2 can be build without X dependencies if you specify --enable-video-fbcon or --enable-video-directfb when you configure it. This should work with original SDL sources, but trying out https://...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar

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