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25 votes

NOOBS stuck at rainbow screen - Raspberry Pi 4

I connected it to the other HDMI port and the image appeared, it was actually booting but showing the rainbow through that port.
Sebastian Braga's user avatar
21 votes

Should I install NOOBS or Raspbian?

To install either NOOBS or Raspberry Pi OS (previously called Raspbian) you need access to a computer with a SD Card writer; NOOBS installation requires more steps and is slower than installing ...
Milliways's user avatar
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10 votes

Installing Raspbian from NOOBS without display

For a headless setup, SSH can be enabled by placing a file named ssh, without any extension, onto the boot partition of the SD card. When the Pi boots, it looks for the ssh file. If it is found, SSH ...
philip mudenyo's user avatar
8 votes

Kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown- block(179,6) running Raspbian on top of NOOBS

To deal with the core of the problem (not a workaround), if you can't boot (or you have no "NOOBS"), you need to: remove the SD card from your Pi and put it in a card reader in your linux computer. ...
DrBeco's user avatar
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7 votes

Enable SSH in NOOBS before install

You just need to add a file named 'ssh' to the noobs partition (you can do it right when copying fresh noobs files to a clean sd card) and it will enable ssh for raspbian when you install it from this ...
nars's user avatar
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7 votes

Raspberry Pi NOOBS not working

If you just want Raspbian don't bother with Noobs. Download Rasbian Stretch with Desktop Flash Raspbian (no need to unzip) to sd card using Etcher ...
CoderMike's user avatar
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6 votes

Kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown- block(179,6) running Raspbian on top of NOOBS

I had the same problem but with unknown-block(179.7) and the first solution worked fine, just replacing this: sudo fsck.ext4 -y /dev/mmcblk0p6 with this: sudo fsck.ext4 -y /dev/mmcblk0p7 I'm not ...
tinobin's user avatar
  • 61
5 votes

How to get back to NOOBS?

You have to repeatedly tap Shift rather than holding it down. From Shift on Reboot does not lead to Noobs Menu this post states: It depends on the particular keyboard, but sometimes holding down ...
Kevin Edwards's user avatar
5 votes

How to get back to NOOBS?

If you get stuck booting to scratch press Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get out of scratch and back to the boot window. Then press Ctrl+c to interrupt the process. Then press Ctrl+c again to cancel the shutdown of ...
Jake's user avatar
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5 votes

Installing Raspbian from NOOBS without display

I found this guide to be the most useful. An important update in setup: ssh is disabled by default on the newest images. You have to create a new file ssh in /boot (can be empty). E.g. touch /...
gameweld's user avatar
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5 votes

Option for Arch Linux not showing in NOOBS. Alternative solutions?

There's a fork of the NOOBs project, called PINN, simply download the latest zip, then per a NOOBs install, expand the contents of the zip to a freshly MS-DOS formatted SDcard, stick it in the Pi, and ...
arober11's user avatar
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5 votes

Stopping a new Raspbian Stretch install from upgrading to Buster

Raspbian will NEVER upgrade to a different OS. NOOBS, on the other hand always installs the latest version (or the copy included with NOOBS) - I might add that very few experienced users of this site ...
Milliways's user avatar
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5 votes

NOOBS stuck at rainbow screen - Raspberry Pi 4

Try plugin your display to the other port. I spent an hour to figure out that my display was not on the primary display port and the secondary port was showing rainbow. Switched my display to primary ...
Shobhit Deep's user avatar
4 votes

My password doesn't work over ssh

This could be related to the default UK keyboard used on the RPi. I used a special character in my password and this converted to " on the default UK keyboard and Locale. Make sure you set the Locale ...
gerryamurphy's user avatar
4 votes

Installing Raspbian from NOOBS without display V2.1 and beyond

So it turns out I was doing it wrong (or not using the tools as originally intended). I received a nice response from Simon Long, the author of the blog entry referenced above: The /boot/folder ...
zipzit's user avatar
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4 votes

Should I install NOOBS or Raspbian?

If you want to evaluate the different OS available for a Raspberry use NOOBS. But as soon as you know which OS is best for you immediately install the plain OS without NOOBS. Why? If you have any ...
framp's user avatar
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4 votes

Should I install NOOBS or Raspbian?

Installing using Raspbian Iso is much easier as and saves your SD card memory too, rather than using NOOBS Download the ISO file from the Offical Website Also download software such as Etcher, or ...
Sharath Mohan's user avatar
4 votes

Raspberry pi 4 does not show on HDMI

I have been struggling with the same issue myself for a while, but I think I have a good idea how to fix this. First, remove the PI from the casing I know this is strange, but in my experience, this ...
Ahmed Sayed's user avatar
4 votes

After Noobs Raspbian installation Pi won't start

You want to use Raspbian, not NOOBS. As you see NOOBS is very error prone so most of us use the Raspbian image direct. You can get it from Raspbian Download. Please don't follow the link for NOOBS ...
Ingo's user avatar
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4 votes

Trying to use second sd card raspberry pi

Because the SD Card is formatted as exFAT. It needs to be reformatted - BUT save yourself a lot of trouble and forget NOOBS . Install Raspbian using the Foundation installer.
Milliways's user avatar
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4 votes

How NOOBS OS boots? (in recovery mode)

This is what I have found out after I checked out noobs code as well as reverse engineering it. For booting recovery.efi is loaded by bootloader. From here kernel is loaded from recovery.img or some ...
Abhiram Shibu's user avatar
3 votes

Installing Raspbian from NOOBS without display

The way I did this was as follows: Remove power cable from the Pi and then take out the SD card. Use a card reader (or built in one if your laptop has one) and the SD adapter to read the card on your ...
SilverlightFox's user avatar
3 votes

Kernel panic-not syncing: VFS: unable to mount root fs on unknown- block(179,6) running Raspbian on top of NOOBS

I ended up with this error after trying to install Raspbian (Lite) on an SD card that was too small. Of course, if I'd actually looked at the output from the dd process, I'd have seen that before ...
Merlin83b's user avatar
3 votes

My Pi freezes during install

As with joan's comment, I had a similar problem with the NOOBS Raspbian install getting stuck on the extracting file system error. After trying a new power supply and reflashing the SD with NOOBS it ...
Sam's user avatar
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3 votes

Raspberry Pi 3 - Blank Screen - Red Led and no Green Led

Lots of issues in one post. I don't see any particular question in there. But I wonder if you have a friend who has a Rpi where you can test SD cards so you at least know the software works? The ...
SDsolar's user avatar
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3 votes

Enable SSH in NOOBS before install

I don't think this is possible. This is only possible in Raspbian installation not in NOOBS as it requires at least a keyboard. But if you really want a silent NOOBS installation to every Raspi you ...
Mia19's user avatar
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3 votes

I have installed Raspbian from latest NOOBS, but it doesn't appear to be latest Raspbian version

The version of Debian depends on what's installed from the system's sources.list It's not uncommon to have a mixed system based on testing and unstable. The /etc/os-release file is optional. ...
RubberStamp's user avatar
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3 votes

How to update NOOBS using a Raspberry Pi without removing the NOOBS sd card

Updating NOOBS is possible as of now. You have to follow the following steps: Download a NOOBS .zip file from Extract it to your Downloads folder and ...
Ashfly's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes

Is there an optimal version of NOOBS for each Pi model?

The most recent Noobs should work on all Pi's. There is no optimal version for different Pi's. Noobs release notes:
CoderMike's user avatar
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3 votes

GCC and makefile on Raspberry Pi running NOOBS deletes my c file

The -o option to gcc specifies the name to be given to the executable. You are saying name the executable as the input source code. That is almost certainly an error.
joan's user avatar
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