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Pi 3B+ and USB Power to SSD

Your question is a two-part question: how much power does my SSD require? how much power can the RPi 3B+ source through one of its USB ports? Re Question 1: The Samsung-provided power requirements ...
Seamus's user avatar
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Why does the Chromium browser just flash (see gif) when I start it? How can I fix it?

I solved it by running this command to install Firefox ESR: sudo apt-get install firefox-esr And using Firefox instead of Chromium 😀
Tiago Rangel de Sousa's user avatar
1 vote

ENOSPC Error with Camera Module V3 on Raspberry Pi 3 B

Same hardware here and first I did not get it to work too. The important fact: raspistill and his siblings are not supported for Camera Modules v3+ In raspi-config you can also disable legacy camera ...
sausix's user avatar
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Tiny 11 on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B

I have done it before, just use WoR flasher and select pi 3. Its unbelievably slow and you'll need a tiny 11 install without sysreq. You can find it at
Carso360's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi wont boot (Act led blinking 4 times)

I experienced a similar problem when trying to run the 2020 raspbian images on a recently manufactured Pi 3B+. Black screen, refused to boot, only blinking green ACT light. This Pi 3B+ was purchased ...
TiberiumFusion's user avatar
1 vote

Login screen stuck in a loop

What the OP describes here is an X11 Session Error. A more complete description comes from ...
Bruno Bronosky's user avatar
1 vote

How is it possible to install windows 10 on arm?

I installed Windows 10 for ARM on a Raspberry Pi 4 with 4 GB of RAM and tried running sample applications built with Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition targeting ARM64 successfully. What I had to do ...
Richard Chambers's user avatar
1 vote

Does Pi3 Wi-Fi support 5 GHz and does it need an extra antenna?

The OP asked, "I was wondering if the built-in Wi-Fi supports 5 GHz networks?" I feel that @Cam.Davidson.Pilon's answer is a good one, but I have to disagree with his assertion that it ...
Seamus's user avatar
  • 22.6k

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