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How to fix audio after December 2020 update

Make sure HDMI is selected as default output in Sound & Video -> PulseAudio Volume Control settings. You have to click on the green checkmark with "set as fallback" tooltip in the ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
3 votes

RPI 3 as bluetooth a2dp receiver sound cuts intermittently

This is a known bug on the rpi3. internal Wifi and internal Bluetooth simultaneous usage will provoke crackling sound and sound disapearance. No fixes yet.
Mathieu Westphal's user avatar
3 votes

Stream all system audio to Raspberry Pi from elementryos

I was able to use PulseAudio to route my audio to the RPi. The superuser question linked by @user1937198 gave me a place to start, however I wasn't able to publish over ssh as suggested by the ...
frumbert's user avatar
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Separate video audio output two Raspberry Pis

Make the RPi connected to the audio system essentially a bluetooth speaker. Stream the audio from the RPi that's playing back the video. Most video player apps have sound delay/advance configurable. ...
Charemer's user avatar
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How to fix audio after December 2020 update

In my case the problem was that raspberrypi-ui-mods had been held back and it needed to be force updated. You can confirm this by checking if there is a message about it being held back when you run ...
tom-james-watson's user avatar
3 votes

Python script not playing audio when run through systemd

The answer to this issue can be found here: The solution presented worked for me to get sound while running a python program from system. What ...
user133975's user avatar
3 votes

How to make pulseaudio use a surround profile?

First, enable the correct number of speakers in daemon.conf (it's eiter in /etc/pulse/ or in ~/.config/pulse/). For 5.1 setup that would be: default-sample-channels=6 Then load the channel mapper ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
2 votes

No audio on Raspberry Pi 3 w/Kali

Audio over HDMI sometimes doesn't work out of the box on Raspbian, and the same might be the case with Kali. When you run sudo aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav does it say /dev/dsp: No ...
jdonald's user avatar
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No audio output Raspberry Pi3 (Raspbian-stretch)

I feel your pain, I have the same setup and trying to troubleshoot at the moment looking for a solution. edit: I've tried a bunch of things. I just did pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo killall bluealsa pi@...
Alex Laverty's user avatar
2 votes

Chopping audio over bluetooth with PulseAudio

This sounds like the known issue. You might want to follow some of the issues that are open around this topic:
ukBaz's user avatar
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Read Incoming Bluetooth Audio On Pi With Python

About half way down on the following page it says: BlueALSA also allows to capture audio from the connected Bluetooth device. To do so, one has to use the capture ...
ukBaz's user avatar
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Can I use Raspberry Pi as a USB speaker?

There is a g_audio driver which allows Linux systems with USB OTG support to show up as audio devices on the USB host. You won't be able to do it on a Pi 3 though, you'll need a Pi 4 or a Zero which ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
2 votes

How to control PulsAudio programmatically?

You can try to use a mediarenderer together with a controlpoint. I cannot say if it is the right program for your setup because lack of additional information. But it is worth to have a look at it. It ...
Ingo's user avatar
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2 votes

I want to allow two instances of mPlayer to play music over a single bluetooth link to a speaker

Answered my own question with help from this link from Mark Hills Once you have bluealsa working and can connect devices and play, then these additional steps open up dmix capability and allow audio ...
David Goddard's user avatar
2 votes

Unable to select bluetooth device as an audio output after update

It is a known issue on the PI4. Take a look at the forum thread:
craigevil's user avatar
2 votes

Bluetooth disconnects when SSH connection closes (RPi Zero 2)

If someone stumbles upon this: pulseaudio was the culprit. pulseaudio uses systemd to check if anyone is logged on, else it shuts down. This also closes the BT connection. I fixed my problem by ...
Tim's user avatar
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1 vote

No audio from HDMI, Bluetooth, or Jack port (Raspberry Pi 4B)

I have the same problem. But I do have a sound icom on my 4b 8gb running Buster OS. I ran across a post (don't remember where) with a terminal command to reset your panel toobar. I found it under help ...
Sirby's user avatar
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Losing first few seconds of audio

You should unload the pulse audio module module-suspend-on-idle. To do that create a file under </etc/pulse/> containing unload-module module-suspend-on-idle. To do ...
Edson Moreira's user avatar
1 vote

pulseaudio not autostarting on pi 3.

So I've just come across this thread and found it useful. Flittermice's answer was nearly there for me but I may a slight amendment which seems to have worked well. In the /etc/xdg/autostart/...
Kelvin's user avatar
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Pulse audio is lagging and stuttering

Check out the PulseAudio Troubleshooting page in Arch Wiki. What helped me was switching to interrupt-based scheduling, by editing the following line in /etc/pulse/ load-module module-udev-...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
1 vote

How can I play some MP3 or OGG file on the JustBoom DAC HAT?

OK, after consulting quite a detailed tutorial, I've managed to find a solution myself, which looks like this: I added a virtual "plug" device to my ALSA config, which allows for playback of mono ...
Neppomuk's user avatar
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Audio from audio source to pipe (stdin/stdout)

ffmpeg seems not to be able to do what I need and aplay -L wasn't capable of finding Bluetooth sources. But with pactl list sources short I finally found the A2DP-source. Anyways, after messing ...
x.NET Development's user avatar
1 vote

How to get song information using PulseAudio?

There cannot be given some simple example code in python because it depends on how to get the total time length of the track, the current time in the song, the artist of the song, and the title of the ...
Ingo's user avatar
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Using Pi to stream audio from PC to stereo

The link does not work. Anyways if you want rpi to behave as a media server check Kodi, Kodi is an os as raspbian and can be used stream/play content on rpi using a desktop/android/ios.
Siddharth Nobell's user avatar
1 vote

Bluetooth Blues

A possible solution is to add users to groups e.g. sudo gpasswd -a pi pulse sudo gpasswd -a pi lp sudo gpasswd -a pulse lp sudo gpasswd -a pi audio sudo gpasswd -a pulse audio
Jim's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi 3 bluetooth stops working after a while

I have a bit of experience with putting heavy RFCOMM loads on the Pi 3's built-in particular, rapid creation and tear down of RFCOMM connections over a short period of time. In most cases,...
PeeEss's user avatar
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Pulseaudio module-combine-sink always throws Failure

Figured out the reason why it was not working. On checking the logs of pulseaudio, I found that it was not able to find the module-combine-sink library. I copied the libraries manually in /usr/lib/...
ashutosh's user avatar
1 vote

How to force upgrade of PulseAudio at Raspbian 8?

Version 5 of PulseAudio is 2014 vintage (I think), which is fairly old. You didn't indicate which version of Raspbian you are using, but @Dirk has suggested you may be using Stretch. If that's the ...
Seamus's user avatar
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How to force upgrade of PulseAudio at Raspbian 8?

Version 5 is in the Raspbian / Debian Jessie repositories. Upgrade to Raspbian Stretch and you will get v10.0 Since Jessie has been 'end of life' for quite a while now (with even the successor of ...
Dirk's user avatar
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Linux ALSA one sound card for input one sound card for output

What worked for me was an answer I've found here: In short: I edited ~/.config/pulse/ and wrote ...
Tarida George's user avatar

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