Raspberry-Pi-OS-Buster is a GNU/Linux operating system derived from Debian 10 and the successor of Raspbian-Buster. The Raspberry Pi OS is the most widely used Pi based distribution and the one recommended by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, who distribute their own images of it in 3 flavours, a full version with Desktop GUI and recommended software, Desktop GUI, and a "lite" version without any GUI pre-installed.
Raspberry-Pi-OS-Buster is a GNU/Linux operating system derived from Debian 10 and the successor of Raspbian-Buster. The Raspberry Pi OS is the most widely used Pi based distribution and the one recommended by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, who distribute their own images of it in 3 flavours, a full version with Desktop GUI and recommended software, Desktop GUI, and a "lite" version without any GUI pre-installed.