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Raspberry pi 5 running Blender..?

I'm no expert, but I open Blender on my Rasberry Pi 5 by using the following command in a terminal: LIBGL_ALWAYS_SOFTWARE=true blender This opens Blender with a software renderer rather than a ...
Douglas's user avatar
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Hardware PWM on Raspberry Pi 2 using .NET Core 3.1

@drp U are instantiating the same class twice System.Device.Pwm.Drivers.SoftwarePwmChannel in your example
Marek's user avatar
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Can’t open chromium or Firefox on RPi Zero W

Raspberry Pi Zero W doesn't support Chromium or Firefox anymore, as the architecture the processor uses doesn't support some features required by Chromium-based browsers. 512MB of RAM isn't really ...
powerCord's user avatar
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Improving file system performance on emulated Raspberry Pi

I was investigating this today and found that in my environment the I/O issue is the result of the sd controller emulation. Testing I/O from /dev/zero to /dev/null or to an image mounted as usb-...
Steve Ancona's user avatar

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