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14 votes

Connect to Raspberry Pi over ssh: connection refused (from putty)

Raspberry changed something since November 2016 here is the noob instruction to get this problem fixed sudo su raspi-config 1) Choose first 'update' 2) In advanced options -> expand_root file ...
Richard de Ree's user avatar
9 votes

Can I view/copy the contents of an img file from Windows?

It also turns out that 7zip can extract a .img file just like any other archive file: 7z x raspian.img
Mike Young's user avatar
8 votes

Can I view/copy the contents of an img file from Windows?

Alternatively, use DiskInternals' Freeware Linux Reader for Windows (as I was unable to figure out how to mount .img files with Paragon's ExtFS for Windows).
sschuberth's user avatar
8 votes

How to mirror/cast Windows screens to RPi?

In iOS, the AirPlay mirroring (which I think you're referring to) is built-in, and part of a protocol that Apple built. rPlay is an implentation of that, and isn't officially supported by Apple. ...
Luke Moll's user avatar
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7 votes

SSH to RPI using android hotspot and PC

At least with the Raspberry Pi 3 (didn't try with a 2 and a WiFi dongle) and a Mac is easy: Configure your Raspberry Pi to connect your hotspot (I have two different WLAN blocks, one for the WiFi at ...
tnarik's user avatar
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7 votes

How can I edit a Raspbian SD card image to use a static IP address within Windows?

Adding to the existing answer. I use a simpler solution to assign static IP for eth0 in Raspbian (Jessie) from Windows. Assuming you want to use use as subnet mask Open your SD card ...
Widi Widiyanto's user avatar
6 votes

Install one Windows (operating system) on 4 Raspberry and with one monitor

Nope. This isn't going to happen. You're describing attempting to run an x86 operating system (Windows) on a cluster of ARM devices. Wrong chipset, with CPUs which are too slow, linked together in non-...
goobering's user avatar
  • 10.7k
6 votes

How do you normally develop for pi on Windows?

But I'm not sure if this is possible. Correct, it isn't. There's no Windows compatible version of the SMBus module.
goldilocks's user avatar
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6 votes

Remote controlling Raspberry Pi from Windows

You can use VNC. It's is a graphical desktop sharing system to remotely control another computer. If you have Raspbian Jessie or later, VNC Connect is pre-installed. To enable VNC: Go to your ...
Kreumz's user avatar
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6 votes

How to edit Raspberry Pi files from SD card on Windows machine?

If you want to modify only one configuration file from MS Windows there is a very simple way. Default Raspbian has two partitions: one boot partition formated as fat and the root partition with all ...
Ingo's user avatar
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5 votes

How can I edit a Raspbian SD card image to use a static IP address within Windows?

After you have written a fresh Raspbian image to your SD card, mount the SD card. If it isn't visible in File Explorer, just remove the card from the slot and reinsert it after 10 seconds or so. Open ...
Jon Musselwhite's user avatar
5 votes

Not able to connect using Windows Remote Desktop Connection

The RPi and the PC need to be in the same logical network, which they are not. The computer is in the network, and the Pi is in the network. You need to change ...
stevieb's user avatar
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5 votes

mDNS for Pi stopped working

nslookup won't be able to find your RPi3 because it uses a DNS lookup, rather than mDNS. i.e. it queries whatever DNS server your laptop is set up to use, which won't be likely to know about your ...
JRI's user avatar
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4 votes

Can Windows XP run on Raspberry pi?

I'm not interested in running Windows XP in particular, but I'm running an x86 Debian userland on my Pi 4, which allows running Windows programs via Wine. The performance is certainly worse compared ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
4 votes

Access SD-Card on windows

Windows only knows about Window's partitions. Try putting the SD card in your machine and see if you can find the file. If you can't the simplest thing to do is probably to boot your PC using a live ...
joan's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I easily access Windows shares from the Rpi3?

Utilize Microsoft's Common Interface File System (cifs) - the core of Microsoft's LAN Manager. (You can safely skip this tech info and proceed with the steps listed below) https://technet....
SDsolar's user avatar
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4 votes

Unable to configure a Raspberry Pi Zero as a USB Mass Storage Device using g_mass_storage

All of your sequences work fine for me on macOS. However, on Windows 10 it would show up with the correct amount of space but "Unallocated". For whatever reason, this fixes itself and a drive letter ...
jdonald's user avatar
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4 votes

Can I connect 4 RasPi with a windows PC only using ethernet cables (no WiFi or internet connection)?

Here's a quick and dirty sketch to get you going. All you need to do is plug the devices into the switch, then add appropriate IP address information to all of the hosts. After that, you'll be able to ...
stevieb's user avatar
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4 votes

How can I ping a command to a raspberry pi from my windows machine?

Taking from another answer of mine, the socat utility provides a convenient way to create this kind of "one-off" servelets. Your use case is very appropriate for this utility. socat is part of a suite ...
crasic's user avatar
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4 votes

Dual boot RetroPie and Windows XP on Raspberry Pi 3B

You are able to execute different installations on the SD Card using programs like NOOBS or better PINN instead, berryboot, U-boot etc. to start them. But the installations must be compiled for the ...
Ingo's user avatar
  • 42.4k
4 votes

Pi stops responding to pings from one host, until that host is pinged from the pi

I would guess that the machine that can't reach the pi has the previous machine that had the dhcp lease in its arp cache, and that other machines on the network do not. You can test this by running ...
user10489's user avatar
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3 votes

Raspberry Pi as a POS?

By POS I assume you mean Point of Sale System. There's no reason that you can't use the Raspberry Pi as a point of sale system, but you'd probably need to write such system yourself. While it is a ...
Jacobm001's user avatar
  • 11.9k
3 votes

Is it possible to use Raspberry Pi as keyboard/mouse/joystick to control a Windows PC?

The Raspberry Pi Zero will do a great job of it. The Zero can be any kind of HID. Keyboard, mouse, flash drive, camera, whatever you can think of. Turning your Raspberry PI Zero into a USB ...
SDsolar's user avatar
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3 votes

gpio library on windows while developing

you can use: GPIOSimulator This Raspberry Pi emulator simulates some of the functions used in the RPi.GPIO library (using python). The intention of this library is educational.
AiC's user avatar
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3 votes

Can I emulate x86 to run Windows 95?

I tried various tutorials, but the results were always too slow to be useful. (took 20 mins to boot, took 1 min to register a mouse click, 10 minutes to open Windows Explorer, etc) Then I discovered ...
Botspot's user avatar
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3 votes

Raspberry Pi as a POS?

You certainly can use the RPI as a POS, and there are projects like Odoo (an open source ERP system) that do exactly that. With the 7'' touch screen that was designed for the RPI, you could even ...
mbello's user avatar
  • 131
3 votes

Raspberry Pi as a POS?

Try IotPOS: I am the developer and have been using it more than 2 years at grocery stores and restaurants.
Hiram Villarreal's user avatar
3 votes

Can't see Raspberry Pi Zero via USB OTG on Windows 10

I have crawled a lot of forums with the solution below. The main issue encountered in Windows 10 is that, the Raspberry Pi Zero maybe identified as USB COM port device. We have to install a RNDIS ...
astroflyer's user avatar
3 votes

Share UART via network

I was able to find a solution based on this post: Following steps are necessary. ...
wewa's user avatar
  • 255
3 votes

Possibility: Simultanius save webcam stream to file and register as DirectShow-device via USB

This doesn't sound possible. I did a little more thinking following my comment below the question, and eventually realised that what you're describing is a Pi which is simultaneously in USB host mode ...
goobering's user avatar
  • 10.7k

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