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9 votes

How can I wire a Raspberry Pi to an 8-relay board in a tidy professional manner?

The black housings are available for more than just one contact, as one row or two row version. The contacts are crimped to the wires , which means you either have a crimp tool or somehow solder it. ...
sweber's user avatar
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8 votes

Wiring diagram software

DIY with GIMP Based on the education resources of the Raspberry Pi Foundation and the SVGs of Fritzing, you can create your own diagrams with GIMP: Example images: Raspberry Pi 4 Raspberry Pi 3 B+ ...
Matthias Braun's user avatar
6 votes

Sainsmart 12V, 16 Channel relay module connected to RpiZW has unwanted triggering when booting

You could use an IO expander module (e.g. PCF8575 or MCP23017) between the Pi and the relay board: those modules don't change pin states unless they receive a valid I2C/SPI command, so they will not ...
Dmitry Grigoryev's user avatar
5 votes

Using single 5V relay (jqc-3ff-s-z) - safety advice required

The Relay module in your picture is what so called Relay shield specific designed for directly interfacing with micro controller such as Raspberry Pi or Arduino, the board already consists of the ...
hcheung's user avatar
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5 votes

Using single 5V relay (jqc-3ff-s-z) - safety advice required

I am interpreting the picture of the printed circuit board of the relay module with accompanying notes as follows: the board includes a transistor and a diode - and while it is impossible to tell ...
Ghanima's user avatar
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5 votes

Raspberry Pi as Wiegand device - output Wiegand to receiver

Wiegand is quite straightforward. It is not a particularly onerous interface. For an example of transmitting Wiegand codes see /* This ...
joan's user avatar
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5 votes

"Blinking" relay by toggling pins between input and output

The problem The problem is that your relay board is designed to run at 5V, but your Pi's GPIO is 3.3V. The relay is a 5V relay, so the power supply needs to be 5V, but you can alter the design of the ...
Edward's user avatar
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5 votes

Creating jumper leads from ethernet cables - connect multiple components

Lots of folks do that. You may need to add some small capacitors on long cable runs to reduce and RF interference that a long unshielded cable can pick up.
Dougie's user avatar
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5 votes

Creating jumper leads from ethernet cables - connect multiple components

I do this all the time. Ethernet (Cat5) cable is twisted pair, which provides you with cross-talk protection. Note that the longest run I've used is about 36", so you may have to do testing to ensure ...
stevieb's user avatar
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5 votes

How deep do i have to put my raspberry pi pico pins in a breadboard

Push it down as far as it will go.
joan's user avatar
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4 votes

Controlling a water valve

Use a Solid State Relay for 10 bucks like: This here You control it from Rpi GPIO ports and is isolated from the outlet and is compatible with Rpi outputs. Has also a LED which shows the status of the ...
jet's user avatar
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4 votes

Do I need a resistor to wire my Pi Zero directly to a power source?

Do NOT use a resistor; on the contrary the resistance of the leads on many power supplies is too high (even though a fraction of an ohm) which causes low voltage problems for many Pi users. Use ...
Milliways's user avatar
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3 votes

Controlling Switches from both Raspberry Pi relay & Manual [Home Automation]

The double switch method (also called a staircase switch) would be preferable, as it's easier to integrate with existing wiring, but it leaves your Pi without knowledge about the state of the load. ...
Stuggi's user avatar
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3 votes

Controlling Switches from both Raspberry Pi relay & Manual [Home Automation]

I think I found what you are looking for : In this exemple, we see that two switches are controlling one lamp, so toggling one of these switch will toggle the lamp. In your case, you need to ...'s user avatar
  • 1,416
3 votes

When to set internal pin resistance at software layer

That is not so good. So the 3.3V power pin from the RPi is connected to the breadboard's top-most rail via a red jumper (note this isn't actually used by the rest of the circuit but I don't believe ...
goldilocks's user avatar
  • 60.1k
3 votes

How do I do a basic MOSFET switch with Pi?

Most MOSFETs will not work with the RPi at all; the ones that do will not work well. Here are the issues: Most MOSFETs require gate-source voltages (Vgs) that exceed the 3.3V output the GPIO is able ...
Seamus's user avatar
  • 22.8k
3 votes

Would this be the full list of materials to connect a ML8511 UV sensor to a Raspberry Pi?

You will also need pin headers, solder, and a soldering iron to connect the pin headers to the breakout board. In addition you will need a bootable SD card for the Pi3B. Apart from those provisos ...
joan's user avatar
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3 votes

Wire Button Without Resistor

I know it's an old question, but I've been reading into the RPi's internal resistors. I'm hoping to use them in order to make my circuit a little bit simpler. According to this answer there are pull ...
flamewave000's user avatar
3 votes

How to wire an HC-SR04 without a breadboard?

The HC-SR04 is touted as a drop in replacement for the SN-SR04T. While I haven't tested this, I connect the SN-SR04T thusly Pin 4 connects directly to the +5V connector Pin 6 Connects directly to the ...
d3noob's user avatar
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3 votes

Do I need a resistor to wire my Pi Zero directly to a power source?

Don't put any resistor in series with the Pi when connecting it to a voltage source. — Uh, and 10A is overkill. You can't run 10A through the 5V tracks on the Pi's board. These are for about 2A only. ...
Janka's user avatar
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3 votes

Is it safe to use 3V3 on raspberry pi 3B+ to control a 3V DC motor?

In my estimation, there is a good chance that you will "break" your RPi. Connecting GPIO pins to DC motors is not a good idea; you shouldn't do it unless you're OK with breaking your Raspberry Pi.
Seamus's user avatar
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3 votes

Proximity sensor reads not working

I would say, the easiest way to connect a NPN one would be a relay. You could also use a voltage divider direct at the GPIO PIN. But that is dagerous for the Raspi and also you have to use inverse ...
Peter Paul Kiefer's user avatar
3 votes

What "wiring" pin numbers on Pi Zero pinout diagram mean

"Wiring" refers to the wiring pi library, and its associated command line utility - gpio. If you have installed Wiring Pi, you may list/print the relationship between the various RPi GPIO ...
Seamus's user avatar
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2 votes

Controlling a water valve

The Raspberry Pi is the brain. The relay is the muscle. The brain sends low voltage signals (5v) to the relay, which trigger it to contract (by using a coil) - This flips a mechanical switch (which ...
Piotr Kula's user avatar
  • 17.3k
2 votes

Strange I2C behaviour

Strange I2C behaviour ... sorry for the title, I don't know how to describe further Well, in the last couple of months playing with a couple of I2C devices, I have been in the same trouble as yours....
tlfong01's user avatar
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2 votes

How do I do a basic MOSFET switch with Pi?

I just want to post this here to help other absolute beginners like me. The circuit above is correct and imperfect. But if it isn't working, here are some cases to check: My issue was the breadboard ...
Seph Reed's user avatar
  • 327
2 votes

GPIO pin wiring for LEDs and their resistors

There is some considerations: A maximum of 16mA per GPIO with the total current from all GPIOs not exceeding 50mA. Calculate the resistance, its the limiter for the current. Normal data for a red ...
MatsK's user avatar
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2 votes

What would the wiring look like for the UV Sensor Breakout - ML8511?

On the ML8511, there are 4 pins. Both EN (enable) and 3.3V (power) connect to a 3.3v voltage line (red positive rail on the breadboard). GND connects to the black (ground) rail on the breadboard. The ...
user3683573's user avatar
2 votes

"Blinking" relay by toggling pins between input and output

I'm still not sure how this explains the behaviour above though? Because the Pi GPIOs only output 3.3V, and presumably this is not enough to trigger high on the 5V relay control circuit. The that ...
goldilocks's user avatar
  • 60.1k

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