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Unanswered Questions

1,255 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
-2 votes
1 answer

Bootable USB or Pendrive are not detected in Raspberry pi 3B+ for data transfer or format

I want to copy a file raspberry pi 3B+ to my Desktop machine. I had plugged the USB pen-drive in raspberry pi 3B+. But pen-drive is not recognized. Did I missed anything as in case of pi? Thanks in ...
-2 votes
1 answer

autonomous lawnmower with gps, radar and remote control

I am trying to build an autonomous lawnmower using raspberry pi 3B+. I want to include auto-steering or remote control and also I want to include the radar as well to avoid any obstacles and also want ...
-2 votes
1 answer

iptables blocking access to a service (Cloud9)

I want to create a Cloud9 server using a raspberry pi. I download the repository and it ran just fine in the port 8181 as it shows below. I could even access the panel from the Raspberry using ...
-2 votes
1 answer

How come my Raspberry Pi doesn't show total storage?

I have attached and mounted a usb drive to my Raspberry Pi for extra storage. I look in folders to see the total storage of the Pi but it still stays the same. Does it only show the total storage of ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Read barcode via USB scanner then send it to database

I need to read some barcodes from 10 different working stations, unfortunately I can't put a PC on every station because the space is really small. Given the little space I have I would like to use ...
-2 votes
3 answers

How can I hide files on desktop

I have lots of stuff in one folder and I want my Desktop to be clean. Is their a way I can still have the folder that has all my stuff in but not have it on my desktop or USB. I still want to easily ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Pi fails apt-get upgrade

My Raspberry Pi 2 running Jessie 8 is failing apt-get upgrade. I also tried removing a package and got the same error. Here is the error addgroup: The group "input" already exists as a system group. ...
-2 votes
1 answer

RPi 3B (not +) image on RPI 2

I have OctoPrint running on my Pi 3 Ok withou any issues. Should I be able to boot the same image on a Pi 2? David
-3 votes
1 answer

Pocketsphinx with raspberry pi 2

May i know how to install Pocket SPHINX into raspberry pi 2? Can someone provide the link tutorial to me?
-9 votes
2 answers

Turn ON LED and OFF using GPIO pins on RPI

I am a new PI owner and was thinking is it possible to wire a button and LED to the GPIO pins so that when the button is pressed, the LED turns on. Can you please guide me on what hardware I need if ...

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