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Unanswered Questions

1,255 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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I have two different LTE setups failing to initialize or turn on with the exact same errors

Device 1: Quectel RM520N-GL 5G connected to One of these. Which has a waveshare logo on it Device 2:
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Do I need to have ATXRaspi for raspberry Pi (3 B+) if I am using a touch display for a shutdown/restart

I am a newbie in raspberry Pi, and I am using it for a project which would eventually become a base station for the project I am doing for my course project. I am using raspberry Pi 3B+ and I am also ...
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SOLVED Raspberry Pi 3B+ No Audio

I recently picked up a Raspberry Pi 3B+ to try to run Steam Link. Steam Link wasn't streaming any sound, and after some troubleshooting I got the sound to work on on a secondary device (steamlink on ...
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1 answer

How to set USB read write permission so any user can read/write/execute on it?

I don't understand. I was able to set read/write/execute permission using terminal for any USB driver I connected to my Raspberry Pi, but now I simply can't no matter what command I execute. sudo ...
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Set fixed g_ether mac address at firstboot

I would like to have g_ether have a fixed mac, which can be done by the following command: echo 'options g_ether host_addr='$(dmesg | awk '/: HOST MAC/{print $NF}')' dev_addr='$(dmesg | awk '/: MAC/{...
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0 answers

How to clear the display at startup

I am using RPI 3B+ Bullseye Lite without X as a video player contolled over SSH. I had preferred to start with a blank screen. Writing the following in /etc/rc.local sudo sh -c "TERM=linux ...
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0 answers

How to create a playlist in LibreELEC 12.0.1

I want to create a playlist in Kodi. However, in the tutorials there is often a "normal playlist", which does not exist. If I try to use the a smart playlist this always stays empty. I want ...
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Issue with PiCamera Connectivity on Raspberry Pi

I am using a Raspberry Pi 4 and the PiCamera2 package to capture images. Initially, everything worked perfectly with my code. However, I encountered the following issues: The same code does not work ...
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Errno 121: Remote I/O Error Problem. 'ADS 1x15'. After successful implementation of 2 Years

I am using ADS1X15 library to read analog data from ADC-1115 adc conver ter. I was successfully using this library as well as module for atleast 2 years. Now the Python through the error [Errno 121] ...
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0 answers

PS5 USB Headphones to standard 3.5mm TRS type plugs

So I’m wondering if there is an existing project that I’ve missed that has solved this problem. I have a USB headset (PS5/PC) that connects wirelessly via a USB dongle. I’m hoping to use the Pi or ...
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ST-LINK/V2 connectivity issues on Raspberry Pi 4

I have next setup: Raspberry Pi 4 and STLINK/V2 debugger connected to it's USB port and PCBA with STM32 MCU I want to flash. I am trying to erase or flash MCU using st-flash and sometimes can do it ...
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1 answer

New AI camera not working on 3 Model B+ and Zero 2

I have been following the official instructions on the latest 32-bit OS: PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="12" VERSION=&...
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Failing USB internet connection

I have been trying to connect my Pi Zero to the internet over USB on Ubuntu, and Windows. I am failing. I have gadget mode set up. And, I can ssh in. I have shared my internet connection. I cannot ...
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Can I use Jellyfin and an external SSD with a RPI3b?

I've set up Jellyfin on my RaspberryPi 3b (V 1.2 if that matters?) and it works really well, I can watch my shows and haven't had loading issues. My SD card is quite small unfortunately, so I want to ...
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Can I use my Raspberry Pi 5 as a Nintendo Switch USB controller?

Basically I have a Raspberry Pi 5 connected with my Nintendo Switch via a USB-A male to male cable, and I want to use it as a USB controller, so that I can script macros to my Switch. I'm very new to ...

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