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Unanswered Questions

1,016 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
6 votes
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Raspberry as I2C Slave, how to slow down transfer rate?

I have had minor success using the PIGPIO library and interfacing the Pi as an I2C Slave (Using GPIO Pins 18 and 19 as SDA and SCL) with a Campbell CR1000X Datalogger I am encountering a problem ...
6 votes
2 answers

Pi4J kills USB bus?

Hello fellow Pi enthusiasts :) I am currently attempting to control a standard 16x2 character LCD display from the PI's GPIO pins from Java. I downloaded Pi4J and wrote a small program to initialize ...
3 votes
0 answers

RPI(2) Bare Metal: does GPU support text mode and what is the default video mode?

I'm struggling with trying to find any information about text-mode capability in Raspberry Pi. I'm reading about decompression, 3d, etc. fancy features but I'd like to learn about fundamentals: Is ...
3 votes
0 answers

Error while Starting Raspbian

Enviroment: Device: Rasberry Pi 2 OS: Raspbian Last sign of life: 8.March 2021 Problem Since 8th of march I've got no message of my raspberry pi, so I get them and try to boot with a connected monitor....
3 votes
2 answers

PiHole Not Resolving Local DNS Entries for clients with static IPs

I have a Raspberry Pi 2 running Pi Hole 5.2.2 and Cisco Linksys E2000 router running DD-WRT v24-sp2 (08/12/10) std-usb-ftp I want to be able to have PiHole resolve a DNS entry such as MyDevice to an ...
3 votes
0 answers

DCF77 time signal emulator by Raspberry Pi Zero WH

This is my first post on this forum. Thanks for being welcomed into this community. I am struggling with my second project with a RaspberryPi. On Github I found a very interesting project of an ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to control servos in both directions on the RPi?

I have been working on controlling servos in one direction with PWM control via GPIO ports on my RPi 3. I've worked with motor controllers that use PWM before and it seems that I should be able to ...
3 votes
0 answers

LIRC mode2 shows no output

I am trying to receive configure an IR remote control for my raspberry and I configured LIRC on the Pi and it works all fine but I won't be able to capture some output with mode2 -d /dev/lirc0 I ...
3 votes
0 answers

Unable to intercept the code of my remote control at 433 MHz with RaspberryPi

I'm trying to reproduce the code generated by my universal 4-channel radio control with RaspberryPI. I cloned my remote with a universal remote like this: I used the libraries included in 433Utils ...
3 votes
0 answers

Raspberry Pi button bug, what is happening?

I am new user of raspberry pi. I have two buttons, and some code to run, yet the led will not react to the buttons. It's probably a easy fix, but keep in mind, I am new to robotic and have only ...
3 votes
0 answers

Getting button click type

I've been looking for a while to how to get the kind of click of a button on GPIO. Is it a single click? Double? Triple or more? Is it a long click? a very long click? a combination of them? I haven'...
3 votes
0 answers

Moonlight (Wifi): Dropped Frames, Multiple Errors, Crash

Casting any media from a PC to the RPi, other than on a Ethernet connection, results in a large number of errors, and an eventual crash. Streams are very responsive, and smooth at 720p at 30fps, but ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to virtually trigger a GPIO Input pin when nothing is actually connected to it?

I am trying to use incoming MIDI data on my Raspberry Pi 3's USB port to virtually trigger an input GPIO pin. The reason for this is as follows: I'm using the MIDI out port on a Behringer X-32 audio ...
3 votes
0 answers

How to properly trigger multiple Raspberry Pi camera modules via GPIO?

I am working with three Raspberry Pi 3 B boards, which in turns have RPi camera modules V2 connected to each. I followed this very detailed post about triggering another Pi using GPIO pins and it ...
3 votes
0 answers

Disable Screensaver of XServer on Raspbian Jessie Lite

I setup a Raspberry Pi 2 with Raspbian Jessie Lite in read only mode. To run a Qt application I installed the packages "xserver-xorg" and "xinit". I am starting the application automatically after ...

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