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Unanswered Questions

676 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
7 votes
1 answer

How to start xorg on a physically connected display via SSH?

The pi is configured to start into text mode so that no xorg libraries are loaded during normal operation. Yet I would like to be able to occasionally run an xorg desktop session when connected to an ...
3 votes
0 answers

RPI(2) Bare Metal: does GPU support text mode and what is the default video mode?

I'm struggling with trying to find any information about text-mode capability in Raspberry Pi. I'm reading about decompression, 3d, etc. fancy features but I'd like to learn about fundamentals: Is ...
3 votes
0 answers

Error while Starting Raspbian

Enviroment: Device: Rasberry Pi 2 OS: Raspbian Last sign of life: 8.March 2021 Problem Since 8th of march I've got no message of my raspberry pi, so I get them and try to boot with a connected monitor....
3 votes
2 answers

PiHole Not Resolving Local DNS Entries for clients with static IPs

I have a Raspberry Pi 2 running Pi Hole 5.2.2 and Cisco Linksys E2000 router running DD-WRT v24-sp2 (08/12/10) std-usb-ftp I want to be able to have PiHole resolve a DNS entry such as MyDevice to an ...
3 votes
0 answers

Moonlight (Wifi): Dropped Frames, Multiple Errors, Crash

Casting any media from a PC to the RPi, other than on a Ethernet connection, results in a large number of errors, and an eventual crash. Streams are very responsive, and smooth at 720p at 30fps, but ...
3 votes
0 answers

Disable Screensaver of XServer on Raspbian Jessie Lite

I setup a Raspberry Pi 2 with Raspbian Jessie Lite in read only mode. To run a Qt application I installed the packages "xserver-xorg" and "xinit". I am starting the application automatically after ...
3 votes
0 answers

Pi 2 Windows IoT support for onboard CSI camera port

I am working on IoT technology, in one of my project I want to connect to on-board camera with Raspberry Pi 2 having Windows 10 IoT core. Two months back I found Windows IoT on the Raspberry Pi 2 ...
3 votes
0 answers

Arecord not working with USB Microphone anymore

Before I start, I'd like to tell you that I've used arecord in the past with the Raspberry Pi 2 using the same USB Microphone and it has worked just fine. For some reason, it doesn't seem to work ...
3 votes
0 answers

How Can I Properly Ground My RPI To Avoid Static Interference?

I have researched every where for this problem and cannot find a direct answer. I am currently working on a project which involves a large 20ft conveyor belt transferring product into a Plexiglas box ...
3 votes
0 answers

Pi 2, keyboard/mouse not recognized through USB hub

I am trying to get the keyboard and mouse control from a Startech crash cart adapter working smoothly on a Pi 2. The adapter has an internal USB hub (Alcor, 058F:6254) and behind that a virtual ...
3 votes
0 answers

Modbus on Raspberry Pi

I am quite new to Raspberry Pi and Modbus. I am going to implement a Modbus RTU on Raspberry Pi using libmodbus. I followed this totorial as a simple Modbus test, but when I compile the bandwidth-...
3 votes
0 answers

How can I fix hanging SSH on Raspbian?

When I log in through SSH on my Raspberry PI 2 i can work for a couple seconds then the connection breaks. I get the error: packet_write_wait If I pin the host I get something like: Request timeout ...
3 votes
0 answers

Using Pi 2 as a media center AND git server

I would like to use my Raspberry Pi 2 mainly as a media center but also as a private git server for small projects like LaTeX documents. My goal is to be able to set this server as a remote repo to ...
3 votes
0 answers

External HDD stopped mounting automatically in Raspbian

In Raspbian I used to be able to just plug in my external HDDs and they would be detected I could then find them in /media/ using WinSCP and transfer files to them. I haven't used Raspbian in a ...
3 votes
0 answers

Raspberry Pi 2 and JavaFX8: Can't render small images without more GPU RAM

I'm trying to write a simple FX8 image display program on the Raspberry Pi2 without increasing the GPU memory beyond the default 64MB. I seem to get me a NullPointer Exception at com.sun.prism.impl....

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