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Unanswered Questions

600 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
4 votes
0 answers

FT5406 touchscreen sends events but input does not work

I have a Raspi 3B with the official 7" touchscreen attached. The screen works (showed the under-voltage sign when attaching only the screen controller to a 2.1 A power supply, so I'm connecting ...
4 votes
4 answers

Cannot deploy to Raspberry Pi from Visual Studio

I'm having exactly the same issue than here: When I'm in Visual Studio, and I try to deploy I got some error messages: 1>Error: Unable to connect to the Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugger ...
3 votes
0 answers

RPI(2) Bare Metal: does GPU support text mode and what is the default video mode?

I'm struggling with trying to find any information about text-mode capability in Raspberry Pi. I'm reading about decompression, 3d, etc. fancy features but I'd like to learn about fundamentals: Is ...
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0 answers

Error while Starting Raspbian

Enviroment: Device: Rasberry Pi 2 OS: Raspbian Last sign of life: 8.March 2021 Problem Since 8th of march I've got no message of my raspberry pi, so I get them and try to boot with a connected monitor....
3 votes
2 answers

PiHole Not Resolving Local DNS Entries for clients with static IPs

I have a Raspberry Pi 2 running Pi Hole 5.2.2 and Cisco Linksys E2000 router running DD-WRT v24-sp2 (08/12/10) std-usb-ftp I want to be able to have PiHole resolve a DNS entry such as MyDevice to an ...
3 votes
0 answers

Kivy on Raspberry Pi returning double on_press events

I have an RPi and official touchscreen running Debian Buster and Kivy v1.11.1 using the simple example at it is returning double touch events for ...
3 votes
0 answers

Install Windows 10 IoT on 3B+?

I bought a 3B+ a few months back and have been experimenting with it with Raspbian, but I recently discovered it is possible to run Windows 10 IoT on it and since I am mainly a C# developer, I want ...
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0 answers

Moonlight (Wifi): Dropped Frames, Multiple Errors, Crash

Casting any media from a PC to the RPi, other than on a Ethernet connection, results in a large number of errors, and an eventual crash. Streams are very responsive, and smooth at 720p at 30fps, but ...
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0 answers

On-screen keyboard with app integration

I'm aware of matchbox-keyboard, but I'm looking for a more Android or iOS kind of keyboard solution. When selecting a text input, of type alpha or numeric, I would like the appropriate keyboard, text ...
3 votes
0 answers

Is it possible to virtually trigger a GPIO Input pin when nothing is actually connected to it?

I am trying to use incoming MIDI data on my Raspberry Pi 3's USB port to virtually trigger an input GPIO pin. The reason for this is as follows: I'm using the MIDI out port on a Behringer X-32 audio ...
3 votes
0 answers

Raspberry Pi 3 doesn't detect USB touchscreen

I've been trying to get a touchscreen monitor to work with my Raspberry Pi 3. The monitor is 15", externally powered, and is to be connected via HDMI and USB for the touchscreen interface. The HDMI ...
3 votes
0 answers

Controlling Stepper Motor with Raspberry Pi 3 and Win 10 IoT

I am working on a project which requires operating bipolar stepper motor with Raspberry Pi 3 and Windows 10 IoT core. I am writing the program in C#. Currently, I am getting the pulses on the motor ...
3 votes
0 answers

Disable Screensaver of XServer on Raspbian Jessie Lite

I setup a Raspberry Pi 2 with Raspbian Jessie Lite in read only mode. To run a Qt application I installed the packages "xserver-xorg" and "xinit". I am starting the application automatically after ...
3 votes
0 answers

Disable onboard Bluetooth device and remap UART0 on Windows 10 IoT Core

We would like to use Gertbot card on Raspberry Pi 3 to control motors and to read distance sensors. For that, serial communication using UART0 on GPIO pins 8 and 10 is required. Observing Raspi serial ...
3 votes
0 answers

Pi 2 Windows IoT support for onboard CSI camera port

I am working on IoT technology, in one of my project I want to connect to on-board camera with Raspberry Pi 2 having Windows 10 IoT core. Two months back I found Windows IoT on the Raspberry Pi 2 ...

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