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Unanswered Questions

529 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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No sound when PulseAudio is running

I have a Raspberry Pi 2 running the latest Raspbian jessie. I have sound working just fine via ALSA and analog out. Recently I installed pulseaudio and have found if pulseaudio is running I no longer ...
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0 answers

How to check whether SPI working or not?

I am totally new to Raspberry Pi. I am trying to simulate a sensor with raspberry pi where my - Devices Sensor: ANALOG DVICES ADIS16227-CMLZ iSensor (ADIS1622x/PCBZ) Device: ...
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0 answers

Touch functionality behaves differently with different screens

Edit: there is an update on the bottom. I managed to resolve one issue but the behavior changed to be more consistent, even though it still doesn't work properly. Problem: I am creating a kiosk to ...
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0 answers

Install libfreenect (Kinect 360) on a Raspberry Pi Make error

I am trying to install libfreenect on a Raspberry Pi using the instructions found here: On step 4, line 8 ...
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0 answers

RPI 2 B died, PP9 test point should throw 1.8v and throws only 0.02v, how do I fix this?

Last night I unplugged it "unsafely" and today it doesn't start. What I get is a solid red light along with a solid green light. I have tried every possible combination (SD cards, Power supplies, OS) ...
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0 answers

Understanding the memory map in QA7 document on the official website

The description of the first row says "GPU access". That looks confusing. Isn't the memory split for CPU and GPU usage? From most other sources the peripheral base is 0x3f000000. Why does it say ...
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0 answers

Raspi CPU is not working?

My Raspi 2B is not booting properly now and it is hanged with instruction cpu1/2/3 is stopped during boot. Is my raspi getting damage or not? I used 5V 700mA power adaptor and some time I used 5V 2A ...
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0 answers

How to register new devices with the Azure IoT Hub/How can I send new sensors' data to my IoT Hub without editing my code?

I am working on IoT Technology. I have doubt as I developed an IoT Project which is sending different sensors data to the Azure IoT Hub. Next I bought one more Raspberry Pi 2 device and deployed my ...
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0 answers

Random IO errors on i2c

I connected a raspberry to a i2c bus that holds two devices: an i2c io expander pcf8574A at 0x20, and a lcd controller pcf8576 on address 0x38. Both show up fine when running i2cdetect -y 1. When ...
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0 answers

MCP3008 inconsistent reading

Okay, I've written a small piece of code for reading analog values from MCP3008 and it all works good I would say. But the problem is, the value changes depending on a frequency of which I'm reading ...
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0 answers

Sending Message to Arduino From Raspberry Pi with NRF240l1

I'm trying to send string from Raspberry Pi from Arduino. I can pong out and pong back. But can't send string. I changed main code. I can't send. Here is my Raspberry Code.. #include <cstdlib> #...
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0 answers

Unexpected voltage drop on GPIO 16

I have written a sprinkler timer system (Python) for the Raspberry Pi 2B+. The Pi is connected to a 2 line LCD, 4 switch circuits, and an 8-way relay board with all 8 relays being used, and the 5V and ...
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0 answers

USB devices gets new ttyU* while still attached raspberry pi 2

Conditions: I use RP2 for data collection purposes and i am testing its limits. I use it next to diesel engine and its alternator.(I know pi is not for industrial use and this is a prototype.) There ...
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0 answers

Raspberry Pi 2 Audio vs Video Clash

So, I'm having an interesting issue. Those of you who have seen me around know that I don't usually use a GUI of any sort with my Pi. However, I recently got another one and decided to make an ...
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0 answers

OpenWRT 'radio2' is disabled with RTL8192cu wifi dongle

I set up Openwrt CHAOS CALMER on my Raspberry Pi 2. I plugged in a WiFi dongle that uses the RTL8192CU chipset (Link). I have been looking online and trying to install different packages to help ...

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