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Unanswered Questions

377 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Raspberry Pi 2 Model B v1.1 alsa & jackd Headphone Jack Configuration

My end goal is to do headless remote audio streaming with jacktrip on some older Pi 2 boards using the built-in headphone jack (I know the quality of it is lacking but I don't really care). To narrow ...
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kiosk mode buster lite Pi Br2

I am trying to view my Octopi PiCam on a PiB2. I followed the guide here: Everything has went fine, no errors, no crashes. ...
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Raspberry Pi 2B External HDD not detected

I'm trying to connect my external hard drive to my Raspberry Pi 2B, but I am not able to get it to show up. I am running the latest Raspbian, and I have updated my software. Running lsblk --fs, I only ...
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KNN Model, cannot import from Windows. What to do for Raspberry pi with Low RAM

I have a raspberry pi 2b with 1 GB of RAM. I want to train an ML model with about 6k images. I followed and I have a model that works ...
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Video lags in VLC (Raspbian Buster) in Raspberry Pi 2

I installed a fresh image of Raspbian Buster in my Raspberry Pi 2. When I run the Big Buck Bunny video in VLC (both in full screen and window mode), the video lags.As far as I can remember, this did ...
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0 answers

LED Strip on Raspberry Pi Check if its On - Neopixel

How can I check if the one pixel is on or not? Is there any function for that. I've googled but couldn't find anything helpful. import board import neopixel pixels = neopixel.NeoPixel(board.D18, 17) ...
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JSch / Java SDK 1.8 - getting Auth Fail from working key file

I'm having an issue with JSch using the ARM variant of Java 8. Using SSH works fine with the key: pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ssh -i .ssh/Pi2Desktop2 -p 22 [email protected] Welcome to Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS (...
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0 answers

How to connect to the pi with xrdp installed using Microsoft Remote Desktop on another network

Hello I have a raspberry pi 2b with xrdp installed. At home I can connect to it in rdp and ssh without any problems. The pi has the ssh and rdp ports forwarded. From another network, I can connect to ...
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0 answers

can low power be the cause of low WiFi speed?

I'm using a raspberry pi 2 model b running Ubuntu core, and a TP-Link TL-WN821Nv3 USB WiFi adapter, which has a maximum speed of 300mbps/37.5mBps, and a Samsung charger which supplies 2A (lower than ...
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0 answers

Running Opengl application on pi 2b, frame issues. Pi issues, or optimization problems?

Here is my application that I have managed to get running on my pi. import pygame import random from pygame.locals import * from OpenGL.GL import * from OpenGL.GLU import * vertices = ( ( 1, -1,...
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0 answers

Why is my raspberry pi crashing? Reading DHT11 - Logging to text file with python

So, I'm pretty new to this. Want to play around with temperature & humidity sensors. I have a pi with 4x DHT11 sensors, on wires of ranging lengths hosted in different situations. I've written a ...
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0 answers

How to configure duplicate screen on a Pi?

I have a Raspberry Pi 2 connected with a TouchScreen. I also connect another external display via HDMI. Goal I've been trying to make my external display show as duplicate mirror the one on the touch ...
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Raspberry pi + L298 H bridge motor speed reduced when battery circuit shows 50%

I made a raspberry pi car. The pi is powered by two 18650 (Breewell New Multipurpose Flat Top 18650 Battery 2000 mAh 3.7 Volt Lithium Genuine Rechargeable Battery -Pack of 2
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Raspberry Pi + NRF24L01 timeout after a period of time

I am using a Raspberry Pi 2 with a NRF24L01 module... to communicate with several Arduinos. It is working very well ... until some point... after days or weeks. Then I get only timeouts. Not even a ...
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Help - Incorrect reading of magnetic encoder

I am a beginner having trouble to read a magnetic encoder. I have found the following code I found that I am using in order to read the encoder values: #!/usr/bin/env python import pigpio class ...

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