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crj11's user avatar
crj11's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • USA
5 votes

Is there an I2C Library

5 votes

What components would I need for my Pi to safely detect a 12V automotive circuit on GPIO?

4 votes

On Raspberry PI, how do I pull down a GPIO pin and then read it immediately after?

2 votes

extend Raspberry Pi 3 wifi range

2 votes

How to do a repeated start with the Raspberry Pi to get the MMA8452Q accelerometer working?

2 votes

Making WebIOPi work on Raspberry Pi 3

2 votes

detecting and identifying musical notes with raspberry pi

1 vote

Simulate The Output of a pH Probe

1 vote

Interfacing DS18B20 sensor to Raspberry pi in long distance

1 vote

I2C repeated start with BitBanging not working - Pigpio library on Raspberry Pi B+

1 vote

Raspberryi pi doesn't show i2c address

1 vote

False-positive button press on power interference

0 votes

What is the shortest light wavelength in nanometers (nm) that a raspberry pi camera can capture?

0 votes

RasPi Zero W + GY-PCM5102 sound only when touching PCB

0 votes

i2c dtoverlay bus number