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Web server: external connections get back the LAN ipIP instead of the webpage

I'm trying to set up a simple web server with my raspberry piPi. I have a wordpressWordPress installation on apacheApache and it works well. (I can see the website when I access the pi's lanPi's LAN IP on my home network).

I set my router, (Vigin Media Hub 2), to assign a specific IP. (saySay to the piPi based on it's macMAC address and set up port forwarding to thatthe port that goes to

Here is the odd thing: if I try to connect to the server from an outside network, the external IP will resolve to the local IP ( of the piPi. So, of course, it can't connect since isn't a WAN IP.

Can anyone advise me on what could be going wrong?

Web server: external connections get back the LAN ip instead of the webpage

I'm trying to set up a simple web server with my raspberry pi. I have a wordpress installation on apache and it works well (I can see the website when I access the pi's lan IP on my home network).

I set my router (Vigin Media Hub 2) to assign a specific IP (say to the pi based on it's mac address and set up port forwarding to that port goes to

Here is the odd thing: if I try to connect to the server from an outside network, the external IP will resolve to the local IP ( of the pi. So, of course, it can't connect since isn't a WAN IP.

Can anyone advise on what could be going wrong?

Web server: external connections get back the LAN IP instead of the webpage

I'm trying to set up a simple web server with my Pi. I have a WordPress installation on Apache and it works well. (I can see the website when I access the Pi's LAN IP on my home network).

I set my router, (Vigin Media Hub 2), to assign a specific IP. (Say to the Pi based on it's MAC address and set up port forwarding to the port that goes to

Here is the odd thing: if I try to connect to the server from an outside network, the external IP will resolve to the local IP ( of the Pi. So, of course, it can't connect since isn't a WAN IP.

Can anyone advise me on what could be going wrong?

Source Link

Web server: external connections get back the LAN ip instead of the webpage

I'm trying to set up a simple web server with my raspberry pi. I have a wordpress installation on apache and it works well (I can see the website when I access the pi's lan IP on my home network).

I set my router (Vigin Media Hub 2) to assign a specific IP (say to the pi based on it's mac address and set up port forwarding to that port goes to

Here is the odd thing: if I try to connect to the server from an outside network, the external IP will resolve to the local IP ( of the pi. So, of course, it can't connect since isn't a WAN IP.

Can anyone advise on what could be going wrong?