i mI'm using a raspberry piRaspberry Pi 3 and iI need to control it through my phone when imI'm outside Via a Usbvia USB.
iI spent my entire day looking for Solutionssolutions but none of them worked for me. it thoughI thought it might be simple just to control the Pi, (terminal) through SSH by using USB. E.g. A USB to micro USB cable plugged into my phone so I can send commands when I'm in the street with control the raspberry (terminal ) by SSH through A Usb( usb to micro usb ) cable plugged in my phone so i can send commandes when im in the street With no internet connection.no internet connection.
Is it possible to do that ? With a USB cable and? I also i cantcan't use a USB to TTL Serial Cable because it sit's not aviableavailable in my area.