I'm running Raspbian Buster on a P1 4B and just updated everything through the terminal (sudo apt-get update). Now Chromium is displaying a pop up that says I need to reinstall because I'm missing features.

What's up with that ?

  • 1
    Ignore it. It's due to the Chromium build being over 12 weeks old and will be fixed on your next apt update && apt dist-upgrade -y cycle (probably in March when the RPF/RPT folks have rebuilt Chromium).
    – Dougie
    Commented Feb 17, 2020 at 0:53

1 Answer 1


Ignore it.

It's due to the Chromium build being over 12 weeks old and will be fixed on your next apt update && apt dist-upgrade -y cycle (probably in March when the RPF/RPT folks have rebuilt Chromium).


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