this setup has not yet been completed. I'm only asking so I can order a fan if needed
I plan on connecting the following elements directly to my pi4-
- relay(i think I'll need two)
- small LED with resistor
- Piezo element
- power pack, via modified usb c cord(using 4-5 of these batteries)
all of this will be in as small a container as i can find and squeeze it into, which will also be shared with these items, not powered directly from the pi-
- power pack for EL wire(2 AAs)
- power pack for bright LED(1-2 AAs or 3 AAAs)
I may add more later on, but for now, this is all I need to squeeze into a box. My question is- is it fine just to drill some holes in the box for ventilation? Or do I need to attach a fan to keep it from overheating?