I'm looking at the possibility of using an attiny2313 as a very simple controller chip, and I've used avrdude
before with a parallel port to program one of these. Now I don't have a parallel port, and according to the avrdude page it seems "extra circuitry" is required to do the same from my PC's serial port (I don't get why, when the parallel port was just directly connected).
I've seen "usbasp" programmers which appear to do this, and heard that it's possible to use an arduino as a programmer, but I'd like to use the Pi to do this if possible.
I found a complicated description at Steve Marple's blog, but the complications seem to come from protecting the pi from +5V, whereas for an attiny everything can be 3.3V so it sounds to me like it can just be directly connected. As long as avrdude is "patched".
I have no clue about the arduino world apart from that there are a million and one variations on boards and processors and form factors. If I stick to an attiny2313 and only want to program that, is it possible from the Pi's GPIO pins without worrying about output buffering and voltage mismatch (and frying my Pi!).
If not, then would it be better to go for a usb programmer to program the attiny2313 (which is itself an atmega!) or would it be easier to forget the attiny2313 and replace it with a cheap teensy clone (if that would be easier to program either from the PC or from the Pi)?