As far as I have understood your question and comments, what you are actually asking for is a way to access e.g. the python scripts by HeatfanJohn / edit the configuration file by Abid H. Mujtaba via your webserver.
The way I would to this is use a small PHP File. For this to work, you will need to have PHP installed. The File could look somewhat like this:
shell_exec('echo '.$text.' > '.$path);
Save it for example as "cron_onoff.php" in your /var/www folder.
Now, on your HTML Website, you add a link to enable, and another to disable:
<a href="cron_onoff.php?arg=on">Turn ON</a><br />
<a href="cron_onoff.php?arg=off">Turn OFF</a><br />
Now, when you click the first link, the text "on" (without quotes) will be written into the file you specified in the php-script, when you click the second link, the content will be replaces by "off".
Whatever your cronjob runs should now open this file, and check if "on" is written there, otherwise stop executing. (See this StackOverflow question on how to do something like this with bash).
Also, if you decide to put the file cron_onoff.txt elsewhere, you might get some trouble with permissions to write. Remember, the active user for scripts executed via Webbrowser is 'www-data', so you have to grant at least some basic permissions. Also, if this doesn't work, your PHP might not have been configured to allow the execution of shell scripts.
Finally, you can, of course, use different commands in the shell_exec-Function.
For example,
shell_exec('python /var/www/');
could run one of the scripts provided by HeatfanJohn. Be sure to add the executable flag for the www-data user for the script:
(run in Terminal)
cd /var/www
sudo chown www-data:www-data
sudo chmod +x