I have been using my Raspberry Pi with PiTFT 2.8" display. I have recently purchased Wolfson Pi audio card, but I cannot imagine how to make both components (PiTFT and Wolfson Pi) work together.
Links to the mentioned components:
Adafruit PiTFT: http://www.adafruit.com/products/1601
Wolfson Pi: http://www.element14.com/community/community/raspberry-pi/raspberry-pi-accessories/wolfson_pi
PiTFT is using several GPIO pins, whereas Wolfson Pi also relies on the 8-pin audio GPIO connector (P5) just below the 2x13pin "big" GPIO.
My line of thinking is: would Wolfson Pi work if I simply led both connections (2x13pin and 8-pin P5) out (my PiTFT is "stuck" to my 2x13pin GPIO)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I was also thinking of "switching" between PiTFT and Wolfson Pi, but without physically replacing the devices -- the most obvious solution seems to have two versions of Raspian ready, but I believe there must be a better solution (software disabling one device for a temporary period?).