I'm using the raspberry pi pigpio module to communicate with two other devices at once using two separate threads. The devices are connected to two different pairs of gpio pins. I need to adhere to strict timing limits for the request response sequences between the pi and each of the two devices.

The only way I'm able to send a message to a device is to acquire a lock and block the other thread from sending any messages, because otherwise the threads interfere with each other in defining the waveform. But blocking a thread from sending a message significantly increases the risk of going over the time limit and messes up the sequence.

Is there a way for the two threads to send messages from the pi to the two devices completely independent of each other. In other words can I store define two separate chains of waveforms dedicated to each thread so they don't interfere?

1 Answer 1


You can create several waveforms but only one can be transmitted at a time.

Depending on your application it might be possible to mitigate the delays by having a single thread dedicated to sending the waveform. The waveforms can be merged prior to transmission.

This doesn't sound simple though. Perhaps you will need some USB to serial dongles.

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