I have VNC running on my PI with the default port ("netstat -npl" suggests that is 5901). I am trying to set up Port Forwarding on my router to let me VNC in to my PI from an external network. I have my router configured to foward port 5000 to 5901 on the PI.
When I connect to my PI on the same LAN, I use Tight VNC Viewer with the PI's IP and specify :1 for the display. For instance:
On my remote machine, in Tight VNC Viewer, I am trying to connect, but I need to specify the port. TightVNC instructs you to do so using :: for the port, such as:
That fails, presumably because I haven't included the :1 for the display number. Is there a way to specify both the port and display number? "myDnsName:1:5000" and "myDnsName::5000:1" return errors.
Additionally, I tested the port forward of just 5901 to 5901. From my remote machine trying just "myDnsName:1" did not work.
It seems like my port forwarding settings didn't apply correctly. Not sure how that heppened, D'oh!