I've been struggling for a while now to make my raspberry function as a remote control working on infrared.
Although there is a huge number of tutorials for the issue, I seem to run into some trouble that is not mentioned in any tutorial / blog and could use your help.
I've installed lirc successfully and manage to get pulse / space values for the mode2 command. When I try to use irrecord, raw or not, I can't seem to finish the job; Specificaly when it comes to generating 2*80 dots I seem to get a few dots, maybe a whole line, and then it exits saying I don't send any IR signals.
It's really frustrating for me since I've been at it for about two weeks now, and havn't find one single tutorial that addresses this problem. Needless to say I checked the published conf files and none of them is suitable for me.
If there's an easier way, maybe some native python coding to workaround lirc and learn these commands by myself and send them by myself, it would be great. I only need a small number of buttons (currently less than 10).