I experienced the same problem on my raspberry pi 3 that I configured to be used for WiFi printing on my old HP Laserjet 1200. From the moment I sent a document from a client to my CUPS printserver it really took 30 - 60 seconds for the document to be printed. The size of the document seemed irrelevant. Also the debug-logging of CUPS did not seem to indicate a clear issue. It led me to believe that the issue was driver-related, since also the printing of a testpage via the CUPS-webinterface took really long. For me the solution was to install Gutenprint and configure the printer with the Gutenprint driver via the CUPS-webinterface. The problem is gone now: A print-command results in a print-action within 5-10 seconds.
Software used: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) / CUPS 2.4.2 / Gutenprint 5.3.3
Usefull commands:
You need cups-devel to be installed (as mentioned in the Gutenprint 5.0 manual par 3.3) :
sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y libcups2-dev
To download the file via CLI:
After downloading gutenprint you need to configure and install Gutenprint as described in the manual.
Usefull links:
Gutenprint website: https://gimp-print.sourceforge.io/
Original post: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/3880750